firstly, hugs
on the nightlight, try it, but watch out for it causing more or longer nw. it certainly did with H when we started using a nightlight, so now we mostly cover up the light apart from the tiniest crack ever and much less nw. you could also try a glo in the dark star/sticker on the on button of the aquarium to help him find it.
nwings here, some are totally random, but often one of these:
- UT, i'm noticing we get more NW on nap days atm (going thru 2-1 switch)
- nightmares/dreaming, tho he is pretty verbal about these ones
- ds2 reaches a milestone/SA
- waking when he needs to wee
- in the lead up to a GS. the GS falls around every half year and we would get some random NW start up for the couple of weeks to a month before the GS (usually a developmental/language leap thrown in at this time too). and then NW also start after the GS (usually cos sleep needs lowered again after GS so needed a nap cut). i've found GS since 2yo have lasted 2-6 weeks.
is T dry at night yet? we had a lot of random NW for about 2mths and then he started waking up dry, i think he was waking when he was doing a wee in the process of becoming more aware before having dry nights. these NW were always a quick resettle and totally stumped us for a while.