Author Topic: How to entertain a very spirited toddler?  (Read 3733 times)

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How to entertain a very spirited toddler?
« on: June 18, 2011, 20:27:30 pm »
Sam is 20 months now  :o :o :o

He is the most spirited child I know and I am struggling.  Not a lot keeps him occupied except for being outside. He kind of picks up toys and throws them around and then runs loops round the house shrieking, climbing etc etc.  Outside the weather is hideous, the garden is a mud pit and no go while its like this.

I need some ideas desperately from other spirited toddler mums.

I go to a course once a week and now am starting work, so at least he will have creche and nursery! but at home, I cant tame him and thats just the way he is! When I am outside the creche doing my course, all the mothers are holding their children or they are clinging to their legs. Sam runs amok and any attempt to stop him is met with wailing shrieking, flailing around.  The other mums make pitying comments "oooh you must be tired, is he always so active"  ::) ::) oh yeh!

I cant even go shopping with him as no snack distracts him and he can get out of the trolley even with the straps on, he hates his pram and can get out I kid you not. even the tightest of straps he gets one arm out, then the other then wiggles himself up and gets out!! If i try to put him back in he screams very loudly like im hurting him.  He loves to climb and is constantly covered in bruises. I have tried baby reins, but they make him even more angry. Would love some ideas from the first paragraph and some coping techniques when out and about to kind of keep him slightly under control . As it it I cant go to friends houses and enjoy it, as he trashes the place, and runs amok. yesterday I went to see SIL, turned my back for one second, he was up the stairs, was scrubbing the bath with the bog brush and had put three toilet rolls down the loo   :-[ :-[ :-[

I think he is amazing, but i am oh so tired. Also is it awful that I am thinking of putting him in nursery for an additional day so I can catch a break from my paid word, charity work, and children? I just feel he would have such a lovely time, so many activities and can burn off mega energy!

Sorry for the essay :D
proud mum to my 3 gorgeous children

Jack    12/05/05
Abigail  07/01/07
Sam     24/10/09

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Re: How to entertain a very spirited toddler?
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2011, 23:00:37 pm »
Wow 20 months already?  When did that happen?  I'm on my phone as dh is hogging the 'puter, but I did want to reply. Apologies in advance if the typing is wacky as I can hardly see the screen!

My girls are both spirited and a fav thing to do here is run laps around the house or have crash up stroller derbies with doll strollers. I know you said your yard is muddy, but does he have a good rain suit? I send the kids out in most any weather. Or what about one of those mini trampolines?   

Thankfully Spence is still loving her stroller (bought a rear facing one) so that is not an issue (yet!)

It is not awful to want a break!  I can't tell you how much I am hoping that Masyn's kindergarten days line up with Spence's preschool. Not sure what i will do to keep from going bonkers until then!!!

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Re: How to entertain a very spirited toddler?
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2011, 00:28:23 am »
HI hon!! :)

At  about 3 yo things slowed just a bit for my superspirited sweet boy! :) What unique fun kids we have :)

Let's see- some favorite things to keep him busy-

a bucket of water, clean paint brushes/huge sponges- ask him to wash your car/house/deck/pavement, whatever...should buy you at least 5 mins of peace...

I fill the tub, put him in and smear shaving cream all over the walls and let him 'fingerpaint'

in the kitchen, empty egg cartons, measuring cups, plastic cups, uncooked rice or beans or flour or water, or whatever.. to scoop and make a huge mess- sweeping afterwards is fun...
playdoh on the kitchen floor with a cookie sheet under it- garlic press, dull knife to cut- cookie cutters, other kitchen tools...

roll of tape, hole punchers, stickers, markers, etc etc etc...with him strapped into a chair at the table.

i'm thinking....
                Nick spirited angel, born August 2, 2007

Offline speechie

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Re: How to entertain a very spirited toddler?
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2011, 00:30:15 am »
                Nick spirited angel, born August 2, 2007

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Re: How to entertain a very spirited toddler?
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2011, 05:23:42 am »
Hugs Ems - we're having the same things here with Leo ::)

The only things that saves my sanity is to get him out of the house and let him run around. I suppose we're lucky in that at least the weather is kinder to us here so it is possible to get out every day. I think I would be inclined to let Sam out in garden - mud too!
The beach is just the best place for us ATM ;D Loads of room, water to play with and he can't climb on anything ;) Of course I am running up and down the beach like a looney :P

We also have Houdini with the straps in the pushchair ::) But I find as long as we're moving in the pushchair he's ok - it's when we stop he wants to escape :P And in the trolley in the supermarket it is a nightmare - he just stands up all the time or opens all the food in the trolley ::)

Anyway, I have no real advice hun, other to make sure you get him out of the house every day - rain or shine - it's the only thing that works for us.
Do you find it's easier when Jack and Abbey are home? Leo is much easier amused when Nicholas is here for him to play with (if they're not fighting, that is ::))

Nicholas (who was way more spirited) calmed down a bit at around 3.5 when he started school.So I def think nursery will be good for Sam.

Hugs hun
« Last Edit: June 19, 2011, 06:57:29 am by Lissybits »

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Re: How to entertain a very spirited toddler?
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2011, 06:53:38 am »
Wow 20 months already?  When did that happen?  I'm on my phone as dh is hogging the 'puter, but I did want to reply. Apologies in advance if the typing is wacky as I can hardly see the screen!

My girls are both spirited and a fav thing to do here is run laps around the house or have crash up stroller derbies with doll strollers. I know you said your yard is muddy, but does he have a good rain suit? I send the kids out in most any weather. Or what about one of those mini trampolines?   

Thankfully Spence is still loving her stroller (bought a rear facing one) so that is not an issue (yet!)

It is not awful to want a break!  I can't tell you how much I am hoping that Masyn's kindergarten days line up with Spence's preschool. Not sure what i will do to keep from going bonkers until then!!!

We do have a mini trampoline, he loves it! Maybe we do need to get him a rain suit, as this summer is turning into a complete washout for sure!!!! lol at the doll strollers, abigail has one and she is touchy so sam trashing it sends her into mega freak out time, "my prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrammmmmmm waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" etc etc lol :D Thanks for the reassurance about the nursery. I am starting to work 16 hours a week right now, and was going to give him one day in the nursery just because he IS so social. hes not shy one bit, he goes up to complete strangers and baby babbles to them, so funny when they are SO not baby people  ;) ;) ;)

HI hon!! :)

At  about 3 yo things slowed just a bit for my superspirited sweet boy! :) What unique fun kids we have :)

Let's see- some favorite things to keep him busy-

a bucket of water, clean paint brushes/huge sponges- ask him to wash your car/house/deck/pavement, whatever...should buy you at least 5 mins of peace...

I fill the tub, put him in and smear shaving cream all over the walls and let him 'fingerpaint'

in the kitchen, empty egg cartons, measuring cups, plastic cups, uncooked rice or beans or flour or water, or whatever.. to scoop and make a huge mess- sweeping afterwards is fun...
playdoh on the kitchen floor with a cookie sheet under it- garlic press, dull knife to cut- cookie cutters, other kitchen tools...

roll of tape, hole punchers, stickers, markers, etc etc etc...with him strapped into a chair at the table.

i'm thinking....

Hey cathie!
They sure are fun and unique, he makes me laugh so hard every day, but also exhausts me lol, strange to feel that way lol! loving your ideas, will be noting them down, have to get over my fear of mess and dirt, i am very ocd about my house lol but then again, how long does it really take to sweep up or wash away shaving foam? If it keeps him happy then its good!  Love those ideas, thank you!

Hugs Ems - we're having the same things here with Leo ::)

The only things that saves my sanity is to get him out of the house and let him run around. I suppose we're lucky in that at least the weather is kinder to us here so it is possible to get out every day. I think I would be inclined to let Sam out in garden - mud too!
The beach is just thebest place for us ATM ;D Loads of room, water to play with and he can't climb on anything ;) Of course I am running up and down the beach like a looney :P

We also have Houdini with the straps in the pushchair ::) But I find as long as we're moving in the pushchair he's ok - it's when we stop he wants to escape :P And in the trolley in the supermarket it is a nightmare - he just stands up all the time or opens all the food in the trolley ::)

Anyway, I have no real advice hun, other to make sure you get him out of the house every day - rain or shine - it's the only thing that works for us.
Do you find it's easier when Jack and Abbey are home? Leo is much easier amused when Nicholas is here for him to play with (if they're not fighting, that is ::))

Nicholas (who was way more spirited) calmed down a bit at around 3.5 when he started school.So I def think nursery will be good for Sam.

Hugs hun

Hi Lissy! Oh the houdini in the pushchair is a nightmare! He does it while we are moving so we are moving with me pushing him back in, complete nightmare lol! Yes Sam is a lot better when Jack and Abbi are here for sure, as Jack and Abbi adore him and get so excited when he says words etc lol.

Only thing is when he touches Abbis things, as she is very touchy she does get soooooo annoyed!!! We took them to the beach recently and yep I was running around the beach like a nutter!

Thank you all of you, its so nice to hear that others have spirited ones too! Even though you kind of "know" it, its good to hear it confirmed! He is amazing for sure, and very cute, so gets away with everything where ever he goes hehe

Thank you all :D
proud mum to my 3 gorgeous children

Jack    12/05/05
Abigail  07/01/07
Sam     24/10/09

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Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: How to entertain a very spirited toddler?
« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2011, 15:31:53 pm »
I am starting to work 16 hours a week right now, and was going to give him one day in the nursery just because he IS so social. hes not shy one bit,

Masyn was/is like that too...I kept her in daycare one day a week all through my mat leave so she had a social outing! 

My sister found an awesome rainsuit that is one piece, I wonder if you can get anything like it there?

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Re: How to entertain a very spirited toddler?
« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2011, 08:54:34 am »
am just about to call the nursery to place him, thought a monday would be good, so after the madness of the weekend could catch my breath a bit!

Will look into the rainsuits for sure, as they sound right up my street!

Thank you xx
proud mum to my 3 gorgeous children

Jack    12/05/05
Abigail  07/01/07
Sam     24/10/09

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Re: How to entertain a very spirited toddler?
« Reply #8 on: June 21, 2011, 15:06:50 pm »
At  about 3 yo things slowed just a bit for my superspirited sweet boy!

Oh that's so good to read lol

Not long now, tick tock tick tock lol
The tweaking never stops!

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Re: How to entertain a very spirited toddler?
« Reply #9 on: June 21, 2011, 16:08:05 pm »
At  about 3 yo things slowed just a bit for my superspirited sweet boy!

Oh that's so good to read lol

Noooo ages for me lol!

Not long now, tick tock tick tock lol
proud mum to my 3 gorgeous children

Jack    12/05/05
Abigail  07/01/07
Sam     24/10/09

worrying is as about effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum

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Re: How to entertain a very spirited toddler?
« Reply #10 on: June 21, 2011, 16:22:47 pm »
Scotty was always angel and textbook, but that age, he was difficult to keep in the house. He'd run in circles or be destructive, scream loudly, etc.

There is a very good way to deal with this behaviour, it solved all the problems  ;D

Get good outside clothes. I know you are all into pretty shoes and looking good and you do! But become more outdoorsy, no matter the weather.

Buy good wellies or boots for all of you, waterproof trousers, hoodies and baseball caps and go out in the rain, mud, whatever.

Explore rivers, go rock pooling, look at worms. The best memories are made outside and England is beautiful. Look up castles and their history, learn about the trees and the flowers, broaden their minds about their town. Learn about old railway lines there and find sleepers, look at the amazing standing stones yous have everywhere, climb the highest mountain in the area, look at the insects, analyse everything.

Jamie always says that outside is his living room, too.

Your immune systems will also all love it, yous will get more resistant to colds, etc, honestly.

Whenever boredom starts kicking in, get up, get outside, kids will love it  ;D
« Last Edit: June 21, 2011, 16:24:57 pm by Steffi »

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Re: How to entertain a very spirited toddler?
« Reply #11 on: June 21, 2011, 17:43:20 pm »
gorgeous piccie steffi :D I *do* like to get outdoors, but with this being such a new development there is NOWHERE to go in the village sadly :( might be a while before this changes :(  there are "green" areas though, I just need a kick up the bum to use them I think!

But I AM going to get sam some good outdoor clothes, for the garden for sure! And dh is really good at taking the three of them out walking while i do some housework at the weekend, but obv is very stressful.

I know you are right, need to kick myself up the bum muchly!

Thank you xxx
proud mum to my 3 gorgeous children

Jack    12/05/05
Abigail  07/01/07
Sam     24/10/09

worrying is as about effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum