Author Topic: 8 mo not interested - but having night feeds again!  (Read 1588 times)

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Offline Bonzo23

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8 mo not interested - but having night feeds again!
« on: June 20, 2011, 20:18:28 pm »
DS2 has been difficult to feed from the off.  Very erratic apetite.  Been to the gp, had lots of hv support - no diagnosis of anything, just sluggish gut and self-monitoring - but suddenly 2 weeks ago he's pooing every day, he's not nearly so windy and he's taking a bottle every 4 hours.  Yay.  But it's literally every 4 hours - so 3 am he wants a 9 oz bottle.  Trouble is he's not interested in solids in the slightest.  I've been offering purees and finger food for 2 months now and he opened his mouth for a spoon for the first time on wednesday.  I'm now managing to get maybe a teaspoon into him at every meal.  He then gulps down his bottle - so he is hungry.  He wants to feed himself but gags on breadsticks/carrots/broccolli/toast/cheese and after 5 minutes of chewing and gagging spits everything out.  He's very good at getting everything out of his mouth...  I know I probably just need to be patient but these 3 am feeds are killing me.  They're not always 3 am btw - anywhere between 2:45 and 4:30 am - and I can hear his tummy rumbling so he is hungry and it's not a habit.  I plan on reducing this bottle down to 5 oz tonight as I figure he's not very hungry at breakfast.  Any other ideas?

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Re: 8 mo not interested - but having night feeds again!
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2011, 01:45:30 am »
It is usually 8/9+mos where LOs start to get the hang of finger foods, so I think you will see him start to eat more that way soon.  With the night feeds, it's kind of a catch 22 because if you feed him at night then he may not be as hungry during the day, perpetuating the cycle.  Maybe he is having a growth spurt right now?  I would give it a few more days, but after that stop feeding him at night even if he wakes.  In terms of getting him to eat more solids, obviously you can't force him.  It's up to him what he will eat.  Right now he is just fine tuning the skills he needs to master finger foods, but I think in the next month or so you will start to see him eating more.  It's all about practice so make sure you are giving lots of opportunities to eat.  :)
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Offline Bonzo23

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Re: 8 mo not interested - but having night feeds again!
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2011, 12:42:55 pm »
Thanks Martina.  I cannot bear to not feed him if he's hungry - he's so so SOOOO loud and I don't see how I would settle him.  If he's hungry he's not interested in his dummy or cuddles - he's almost frantic.  And the meltdown if you don't feed him quickly enough can go on for a couple of hours - and it shreds my nerves, I can't stand it.  But I'll definitely reduce the size of the bottles as much as possible, as well as offering water first.  I think he is having a growth spurt.  He is eating a little bit more each day - slowly, slowly, very slowly. 

Thanks again!