Martina, I hear you but really its affecting our work and every aspect of life
Anna: tried WIWO, for about 4 days he cried for over an he each time to a point where he wa smaking himself sick and so we failed, not him but we failed
Wendy: We have tried odd days of 1 naps and no change in sleep, its kind of hard to control as he gets so sleepy he falls asleep eating in his chair

so its hard to stretch his A time.
Today so far has been as below:
wake 6am
nap 9:40-10:50
so no way I can make it a 1 nap day...
As far as it being anything else, the doc cannot see whats wrong, he has been off meds and over reflux for ages, and we did have a bout of decent nights like mayeb 1 week about 6 weeks i know he can do it.
but he is so wretchedly stubborn! I am really without hope right now

and ready to try almost anything