Author Topic: Worried I don't take LO to enough activity groups...  (Read 2425 times)

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Offline Mackjack

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Worried I don't take LO to enough activity groups...
« on: June 22, 2011, 10:11:50 am »

LO is just turning 1. When I've taken her to baby groups, she's really enjoyed herself and I love seeing her play and get excited about new toys and other babies.

The thing is, we're at the 2-1 transition so most of the time she's having 1 nap a day. It's usually from about 11am for about 2/2.5 hours (she wakes in the morning at 6.10am - on the dot!). The problem is this nap coincides with the timing of ALL the playgroups in our area and I feel really guilty that she's missing out. I know I could just wake her up but she's miserable if she doesn't get her sleep and it would throw off the whole day.

Do you take your baby to lots of groups?? Should I stop fretting and just be content to take her to the park/round friends and families' houses for now? Or is she really missing out on all the socialisation opportunities?

Offline Shiv52

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Re: Worried I don't take LO to enough activity groups...
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2011, 10:44:17 am »
If you are still doing things like the park and play dates at other houses I think that is totally fine.  She is seeing other LOs and getting out and about.  I think its about weighing up the benefits.  If you wake her and she's miserable and she ends up OT its probably not worth it just to go to playgroup if you have other things planned.  If playgroups were your only source on interaction for you and her then i probably would wake 1-2 days a week to go.  If you woke her would she not take a nap in the afternoon?

But in terms of socialisation it won't affect her not going to playgroup.  She'll be learning everything she needs to know from you at home and from others when she sees them so don't worry on that frontxx

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Re: Worried I don't take LO to enough activity groups...
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2011, 10:46:38 am »
i dont think she is missing out! Friends and family can provide so much input for a child. It is such a shame that there are no morning playgroups round by you. We still have this problem now, and DS is 2.5. All the groups are on from 1pm-2.30 which totally clashes with our nap time.

Suggestions for things to do:

swimming (is there any early/late sessions you could go to?)
Soft play (normally open from 9.30-5at least - and most have a baby area aswell as a big kids runaround)
Friends with other children that nap the same time as yours does
Check out church groups etc as well as regular playgroups. They dont generally require you to be a member of the church to join the baby/mum group and they might have some better times.
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Re: Worried I don't take LO to enough activity groups...
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2011, 10:53:50 am »
All the groups are on from 1pm-2.30 which totally clashes with our nap time
I need to move!  All ours are between 9-11 and it doesn't suit my two lazy bones at all! 

Our local soft place does a toddler group from 9.30 actually so maybe thats an option like pp says!

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Re: Worried I don't take LO to enough activity groups...
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2011, 10:59:18 am »
I felt the same when DS was doing 2 naps and it seemed all the activities in our area coincided with either the morning or the afternoon nap! I definitely preferred to let him have his nap(s) though and I just looked for other activities that did fit in to his nap routine at the time.

I think at this early stage in life -everything- is new to your baby, from music class to playing with a spoon and drum/pot. I dont really think they miss out too much when you dont take them to "classes". There's so much, even at home, for them to learn and experience and so much time to do it in! Whereas the process of such rapid growth, as babies experience in these first few years, is unavoidable and sleep is essential to that growth!

I think for me I started looking for activities because I wanted to get out of the house and do something! It was more for me than DS sometimes. The chance to get out and hang out with other mums is pretty important or we'd all go crazy! :D But coming to that realisation helped me to accept to just let him have his nap and put his sleep needs first.

Our current activities are: One on one play: At friends houses with similar aged LO's (and similar nap times) Group play: Playgroup at a local church 9:30am-12 (although I usually only go for an hour or so. I'm not a member, you just show up for a gold coin donation) and for an "Outside Extra Animal Experience": A yearly pass for the zoo so we can go any time that suits us.

HTH! :)
« Last Edit: June 22, 2011, 11:02:54 am by NZ_Mum »

Offline Mackjack

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Re: Worried I don't take LO to enough activity groups...
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2011, 11:34:13 am »
Wow, thank you all for such speedy replies. You've massively reassured me. I'm going to try out some of the soft play centres nearby. Yes, I think it's right to say that she gets enough stimulation from everyone around her at this age. I guess it's when she's a bit older, she'll need to play with other kids more but by that time, I'm sure she'll be a bit more flexible. Thank you!

Offline Roseii

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Re: Worried I don't take LO to enough activity groups...
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2011, 11:36:58 am »
All the groups are on from 1pm-2.30 which totally clashes with our nap time
I need to move!  All ours are between 9-11 and it doesn't suit my two lazy bones at all! 

Our local soft place does a toddler group from 9.30 actually so maybe thats an option like pp says!

Same! And I find the afternoons are the hardest part of the day to get through, the mornings whiz by. I'd love some groups to be in the afternoon, I would foresake nap-time once a week for sure.

And totally agree with PPs re not worrying about going to too many groups xx
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