Author Topic: Do you cut it out all at once or one thing at a time?  (Read 1843 times)

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Offline okinawamama

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Do you cut it out all at once or one thing at a time?
« on: June 24, 2011, 15:13:54 pm »
My little guy has reflux, but his symptoms now seem under control. I had hoped that when his reflux was under control all other symptoms would just magically disappear, but not so much. Our biggest indicator that he has a food intolerance is he has a lot of mucusy poop. He also has a lot of gas and seems to be in pain at random times during the day. He doesn't have any rashes on face or bottom. Are there any other signs I should be looking for?

I have eliminated dairy and soy from my diet and have been reading labels to ensure that I'm not getting any hidden amounts either, but after rereading the hidden dairly list again, I often wonder if I'm forgetting some of the "hidden" names. I've basically tried eating more whole foods, fruits, veggies, meat....just so I don't have to read labels.

anywho, it's not working. We are still experiencing tons of mucus in his diapers but I'm not sure where to go next. I do eat peanut butter, so I could go the nut route. What about eggs?  oats?  wheat? food dyes? where do I go next? Do I take it all out at once (and then starve?!) or do I take it out one thing at a time?

How long before I see "results" with eliminating the other stuff. I know it can take weeks for dairy to get out of my system, does it take that long for other ingredients as well?
toddler A 3/16/2009
baby B 4/20/2011

Offline Buntybear

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Re: Do you cut it out all at once or one thing at a time?
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2011, 21:14:06 pm »
Hi, have you seen this sticky on the CRC board?

It is hard to say when you have cut the 2 main culprits out already. I  am not sure what affects reflux TBH. Have a look and see what you think.

Offline rlkoh

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Re: Do you cut it out all at once or one thing at a time?
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2011, 17:06:02 pm »
I cut out the big five (eggs, wheat, dairy, soy, and nuts) all at the same time because I didn't want to wait three months of trial and error to figure it out.
Michael Alexander 2.26.11
Ella Madeline expected soon! 11.21.12