Well he has only napped once since that last post and that was on Sunday just gone. He was a Birthday party and he fell asleep in the car on the way back but only for a half hour. I just let him watch Toy Story before bed and it eeked bedtime out to 8.15pm and he went to bed beautifully. Other than that its been 11.5/12 hour nights consistantly apart from the night before last when he did a stonker almost 14 hour night. Went to bed at 6.15 and got up for the day at 7.50.

OK, so dont hate me too much.

Here's the bad bits. We are getting NW about every 2nd night, waking inconsolable. He goes back down after a cuddle but he's not a happy chappy. They are decreasing though in length and frequency.
Then there is the behaviour. We had a nasty biting incident last week. He bit his friend, right on the nipple no less.

The bad days are bad, he goes from hyper to tantrum to wanting a cuddle all in the space of 3 seconds and its wearing me down. We also cant go anywhere in the car for the afternoon as he will fall asleep straight off.
All that being said I think we are getting there though. I do think its getting better. Every day when D is having her afternoon nap he has quiet time on the sofa and we put a DVD on (TV overused a fair bit through this I must admit) and he sits and watches it. He seems to have stopped the falling asleep but if I'm honest I'd let him if he wanted to and do BT an hour later and let him fart about in his room before sleep. I'd just have to keep my fingers crossed for no EW.
Liz - Do you do later BT after the sofa naps? Do you wake him from them?