Well ladies, it's been a long time since I needed to post about DS' sleep but here we are at 2 years exactly and the last couple of weeks he has been taking longer and longer to settle at naps and bedtime. I try and do lots to tire him out in the day and sometimes I ut him down and he goes to sleep without much fuss but mostly he sings an then shouts/fake cries for up to an hour and sometimes more! Any ideas??
So his routine if hesettles well is
up 6.30am
nap 12/12.30
bed 7/7.30pm
more recently its
up 6/6.30am
nap 1.15/1.30 after an hour or 1.5h of singing and playing and throwing things around his cot
bed 8/8.30 (as above with singing)
Mostly I leave him until he goes to sleep but at naps it's infuriating because he eventually wakes dd up who is 5mo and is easily woken at the 45 min mark....
What can I do to help him settle more?