My DS is 24 weeks and is on a 4 hour EASY (EBF), just started solids (rice cereal and some veggies) last week.
He was a great nighttime sleeper until about 3 months and then we went through about 2 months of frequent NW and he finally (knock on wood!) has settled into his previous pattern of 1 NW + DF in the last couple of weeks. He usually wakes sometime between 3-4am and I feed and he goes right back to sleep until 7-7:30.
The last week though he was been extending this and sleeping until 5-5:30 or so. This is great and I'm hoping he will continue to extend until he is sleeping straight through, but for the time being, I'm not sure how to handle it! I'm not sure if it's an EW or a NW??! Should I be treating this as a NW and feed him and put him back to bed like I normally would? This morning it took me about 20 min after feeding to get him back to sleep making it 6am and then he slept until 7:15. He just isn't that interested in going back to bed at this time, but since he's usually not asleep until 8pm at night, I don't want him waking at 5 and getting only 9 hours!
I guess I'm not sure if I should be trying to settle without feeding and get him through until 6 or so? I'm not sure he would be likely go back to sleep without the feed. He does have a DF at 10:30 but he seems hungry when he wakes at this time.
Any thoughts?