DS just turned 2. About 2 weeks ago he decided that he wanted to be potty trained...just like that

. He's had a couple of accidents since but he's essentially trained. We didn't push, showed him the toilet seat, let him have some tries at times when we thought we might get lucky and the rest is history. It's like a switch just went in his brain. We bought him some underwear last Thursday and he loves it. Then.....bedtime started to change. We talked about how at night we wear a diaper because sometimes pee comes out when we are sleeping, that it's not a big deal. I don't know if that scared him or what but now bedtime and nap time are incredibly long drawn out affairs. Sadly he's upstairs with DH crying his little eyes out. He wanted to try pooing three times before bed tonight...sometimes it seems like a stall tactic, other times it seems like he genuinly wants to. Tonight we explained that the poo isn't ready to come out but it will be tomorrow. I think he's afraid of peeing in his crib. We've talked about it with him, that it's okay if that happens.
Anyway, did anyone else have a similar experience? He was sleeping independently, we can't walk or rock him to sleep. He went down for his nap without any help yesterday and today but bedtime has been awful. Last night was odd because he was upset for a bit and I said "I'm going to get you some medicine," He immediately stopped crying and played happily in his crib while I went to get it. I gave it to him and he immediately laid down and was asleep within minutes! We don't give it a lot but I just thought I'd give it a shot. We gave it tonight 45 min before bed but it doesn't seem to have made a difference. He just sleeps in underwear at nap time. Tonight we put underwear and then some waterproof underwear overtop. Sometimes just before we put him in his crib he wants to put a diaper on under his underwear (which personally I think is a fantastic idea!) but when I tried that tonight he flat out refused.
I know this is a huge step for him and expected it to mess up his sleep but I feel so bad for him being upset before bed. What do you think? I'm wondering if talking to him while he's asleep would be a good idea but I'm not sure what to say!