Author Topic: How do I solve this?? EW, night waking 1 year old...please any advice  (Read 847 times)

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Offline aga01

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My DS is almost 1 year. For the last few months he's been waking up anywhere between 5-5:45 am with few night wakings. There were few days few weeks ago were he woke up at 6:30 am but I don't know why it changed as I haven't changed nothing.  Here is our EASY:

5:30 am wake up
6 am bottle
9:30 - 10:15 am first nap - usually 30 - 45 min.....sometimes 1.5 hr
1 or 1:30 till 2:30 or 3 pm second nap - usually 1.5 hr or sometimes 45 min
7-7:30 bed time asleep

BUt for the last two days:
1) he woke up at 5:30 am
2) bottle at 6 am and fall asleep for an hour till 7:30.
3)The nap was around 11 am for 30 min
4) second nap 3:30 pm for 1.5 hr
5)bed time asleep 8-8:30 pm

but still waking up at 5:30 am

How do I solve this EW. Do you think I should start 2-1 transition. Thank you for your help

Offline sianie

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Hi there...

It could well be the 2:1 transition as it can cause EW's. The link below might be helpful...

I would try to keep the 1st nap at a reasonable time as putting your LO down too early after an EW (even though they are tired) can actually re-enforce the EW as LO's see it an an extension of their night sleep. Also, be wary of feeding him when he wakes as this could become another habit (but I get why you've done it!).

Is he teething at all? This can also cause EW's.

Offline aga01

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Thank you Sianie.

Yes, he is theeting right now as well. But before when he was not he was waking up around 5:30 am as well.

Yesterday the bedtime was around 8:20pm (as his second nap ended around 4 pm) and he still woke up today around 5:30 am. I fed him around 6 am and he finished the enitre bottle quickly. I think he might be going also through a growth spurt. Oh ...I wish they could talk.........and just say what's wrong.

So when he had only 9 hours of night sleep and woke up at 5:30 am how long should I wait till the next nap. Is 4 hours too long.

Offline sianie

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Definitely sounds like he is in the midst of 2:1 (although the teething won't be helping  ::)!)

I would do AM nap no earlier than 9am (aim for 9/9.30am depending on how he is) & stick with the same time for a few days so that his bodyclock adjusts to it.

Give meds 20/30 mins before sleeps to help with teething. You could also consider doing a meds dream feed in the early hours which might give you a later WU (works well for me LO's).

Offline aga01

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When he wakes up at 5:30 every morning should I feed him and take him out of the crib or let him go back to sleep for another hour. If I let him sleep for another hour will this reinforce early waking?

« Last Edit: July 05, 2011, 14:27:04 pm by aga01 »

Offline sianie

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It's always tricky when they wake at 5.30am as they are well rested enough to not want to go back to sleep.

Personally I wouldn't feed my LO's if they wake at that time as it can create another issue. I try to get them back to sleep if possible but if not then we get up & start the day.