Thanks Sian! I have been thinking OT but she seems happy most days when she gets up and is often doing 7 hr awake times in pM now before bed! She went through a stage of EW and NW when i first began the transition but bringing bedtime forward seemed to fix that for the most part so currently the routine looks like this although i have been going back and forth with the sleep time as i haven't known whether its UT or OT
6.15am(sometimes 6.45)- Wake, talk in cot until 6.30ish
7am - breakfast (cereal, toast etc)
8.30am -Morning tea (mainly to keep them both distracted!)
9.45/10.00 - Bottle
Nap at either 10.30 or 11.00am....i have managed to stretch them until 11.30am some mornings but then i got a 50 min wake from nap.
So here twin 1 will have 1hr 10 min or so and Twin 2 will have 2.5/3 hrs(she has always slept better)
12 ish - twin 1 up (give snack and try to keep quiet!)
1.00ish - twin 2 up
1.30 ish - Lunch for both
2.30/3 - arvo tea and milk in cup
4.45pm - Dinner
5.45pm - bath
6.00pm - Bottle
Asleep by 6.30ish now....bedtime used to be 7pm.
Obviously everything from 12ish is then awake/activity time...making for a very long afternoon!
i had read that it can take a few days for them to get in the habit of lengthening their naps which twin 2 seems to have done no worries but my other girl has been doing the 1hr 10 min nap for over 2 weeks now!!before i started the transition she had been stretching her am nap to 2 hrs but no pm nap for over a month which is why i finally decided to begin the transition....however it all seems to have gone awry!
Is she havving too long a sleep at night now do you think? She does still wake before 6 some mornings though. Would it be better to just fix on a nap time of say 11am and stick with it in the hope she will eventually adjust? just seems everything i have tried is not working and i am overthinking everything now.....just so much harder when you have 2 girls on different routines!
Any thoughts very much appreciated...thankyou