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Offline ~Sara~

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Thoughts on chocolate milk?
« on: July 06, 2011, 14:10:56 pm »
DS doesn't drink milk since he dropped all bottles at 17/18 months.  He will eat yogurt and cheese, and while he gets some a few times a week, it's not every day.  That leaves me worried about his calcium intake.  He's tasted milk, but he'll only take a teensy sip before refusing to drink any more.  It's a genuine dislike of the taste as opposed to just not wanting to try it (though he drank it in the bottle ::)).

So...I've been wondering...what if we tried chocolate milk?  We drink 1% organic milk anyways, so that's healthy.  I know we can buy the chocolate powder stuff that's full of vitamins and minerals, so that's healthy, too.  My drawback is that's it's chocolate, which I really try to limit with him.

Do you give your kids chocolate milk?  I'm not looking to start a debate; I'm just trying to figure out if the benefits outweigh the reservations.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2011, 19:00:57 pm by ~Sara~ »
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Re: Thoughts on chocolate milk?
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2011, 14:14:42 pm »
I would if M would drink it.  There are chocolate milk powders with vitamins.  M won't drink milk anymore, since he vomitted on it when he had a stomach virus.  Ever since then, I have tried every variation to get him to drink it without any luck.

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« Last Edit: July 08, 2011, 11:42:07 am by aisling »

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Re: Thoughts on chocolate milk?
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2011, 14:32:23 pm »
Do u have something against chocolate ????

I think it is no big deal at all and on the days he drinks it just watch his sweets.

I either make it myself or buy the Promised brand dark and dilute it in regular milk.

I will also buy the horizon choc milk boxes.

I can't imagine life without chocolate milk!!!

Offline ~Sara~

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Re: Thoughts on chocolate milk?
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2011, 14:53:13 pm »
Do u have something against chocolate ?
Not personally, no...I just try to limit it for DS since he's 2.  I guess chocolate milk (I'm thinking of things like Nesquick) isn't chocolate like a Godiva bar is chocolate, but I'm just debating with myself: he KNOWS what chocolate is and LOVES do I keep the balance of chocolate as a very rare treat and chocolate milk a couple of times a week?  All without him starting to demand chocolate (which he very well could, he's got a great memory and persistent streak) and asking for chocolate milk every day.

Ais, thanks for that list!  He's a fairly picky eater, but he eats a number of things from that list.  Granted, not every week (though "yes" to bread, mac & cheese, and cheese...).
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Re: Thoughts on chocolate milk?
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2011, 15:00:11 pm »
i personally don't think a little choc milk daily is harmful but that's just me.  I mean i would not give it to DS for every meal.

i think it is better than juice.......I usually let my DS have either juice or a choc milk, his choice but only one a day.

it has also been shown to be a great recovery drink after working out!

you can always try it out and if it becomes a battle then don't have it in the house or make it an option.


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Re: Thoughts on chocolate milk?
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2011, 15:00:58 pm »
I would be okay with chocolate milk, as long as you aren't making it super chocolaty.  My kids hate the stuff, DH loves it.  My nephew has some every day, but his mom puts in only enough of the syrup to colour the milk, not what the bottle actually says you should add!

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Re: Thoughts on chocolate milk?
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2011, 15:01:28 pm »
My two both have chocolate milk I make with nesquik - it's not everyday and at least it has vitamins in it! They have mini milk lollies for the same reason, it gives them over half their daily calcium intake in one not too sugary ice-lolly!

I started giving it to DS to get some more calories in him vis full fat milk, but I don't put as much in as the box tells you, I use about 1 teaspoon to 180ml/ 6oz of milk (I think the box says 2-4 spoons per 200ml of milk). DS likes it in warm milk for hot chocolate too!


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Re: Thoughts on chocolate milk?
« Reply #8 on: July 06, 2011, 15:13:54 pm »
A couple of thoughts:

1-If he drank milk from a bottle it seems weird to me he'd dislike the taste now??? Did you do anything differently; warm it up or anything in the bottle? Just seems odd to me.

2-If chocolate milk gets him to drink it, I think it's a good idea, but there are ways (as discussed above) to get the sugar content down and pack more vitamins in there.

he KNOWS what chocolate is and LOVES do I keep the balance of chocolate as a very rare treat and chocolate milk a couple of times a week?  All without him starting to demand chocolate (which he very well could, he's got a great memory and persistent streak) and asking for chocolate milk every day.

If YOU are the mom and make the "rules" so to speak, he'll figure out there is a difference right away. This chocolate for milk has special vitamins to help you grow strong. This chocolate candy has sugar and junk that are not as good for your body and we don't eat junk all the time. I explain these things to my DD often and she does listen. "Mommy, is ice cream junk?" was our discussion the other night when I told her that she was going to eat dinner and NOT go buy ice cream from the ice cream truck going down our street. She was fine with it as she DOES get ice cream....sometimes. You know? They really do learn pretty fast.

And FWIW my DD HATES chocolate milk! LOL She calls it "dirty milk" and tells everyone she just likes "regular milk". :)

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Re: Thoughts on chocolate milk?
« Reply #9 on: July 06, 2011, 15:21:19 pm »
I wish J would drink flavoured milk. Chocolate or otherwise!

I agree the benefits outweigh the chocolate issue, and TBH I am not sure a 2 year old would really be able to say 'if I can have chocolate milk surely I can eat chocolate bars and cake all day'. I doubt they would really link it together like an adult does.

Have you tried fresh cold milk in his cup? J went off milk for months but has recently liked having cold milk before bed, it is a different taste really.

And I think kids drop foods all the time anyway - and milk is no different IMO. I have lost count of the foods DS got bored with, and then came back to etc etc etc.

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Re: Thoughts on chocolate milk?
« Reply #10 on: July 06, 2011, 15:23:24 pm »
1-If he drank milk from a bottle it seems weird to me he'd dislike the taste now??? Did you do anything differently; warm it up or anything in the bottle? Just seems odd to me.
Nope, we did nothing different!  I was stumped, too.  We tried it in a sippy cup for a couple of months afterwards, but he just wouldn't drink it.  So, it must have been that it came from the bottle.  Honestly, I'm not concerned that he doesn't like milk, per se.  I know loads of people who don't like it/drink it.  So, I'm OK with him not liking it.  As I mentioned, he will sometimes want a sip of milk from my cup, but will only take one sip.  I ask if he wants more, and he says, "No."

2-If chocolate milk gets him to drink it, I think it's a good idea, but there are ways (as discussed above) to get the sugar content down and pack more vitamins in there.
Yes, this is the approach I was contemplating going with.  Not a full recommended serving in his milk.

Heather, I like what you said about only offering it maybe once a day.  That's how we are with juice atm.  He only gets it for breakfast, though he asks for it all the time ::)  Nicole, this is what I meant...I know I'm the parent and can hold my own against a tenacious toddler.  I just don't want to open Pandora's box even more to hear the constant asking for chocolate milk, lol!

Thanks for everyone's responses and for letting me bounce this idea around (more for myself than anything).  I think we'll try it out sometime over the next couple of days and see how he does. :)  
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Re: Thoughts on chocolate milk?
« Reply #11 on: July 06, 2011, 15:26:31 pm »
Have you tried fresh cold milk in his cup? J went off milk for months but has recently liked having cold milk before bed, it is a different taste really.
Yes, we tried really cold to room temperature to slightly warmed.  In a sippy, in an open cup, in his cereal ::)  It's a no-go.  You're right, though, he might start liking it again at any point, so I'll keep offering it, too.
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Re: Thoughts on chocolate milk?
« Reply #12 on: July 06, 2011, 15:30:44 pm »
if DS asks for more, i just say "only once a day" and i've been doing it for so long now he knows arguing won't work with me. I never give in LOL.

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Re: Thoughts on chocolate milk?
« Reply #13 on: July 06, 2011, 15:36:44 pm »
I never give in LOL.
Me neither, lol!  But I still get "More juice please." ;)  Ahhh, kids :)
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Re: Thoughts on chocolate milk?
« Reply #14 on: July 06, 2011, 17:05:54 pm »
I hear what you're saying. It can get aggravating hearing the "begging" essentially ALL the time. ;)