We've managed 9-1/2 years of Coke protection with two determined Spiriteds (even with DH drinking some now and again), so definitely not impossible.

I think between them they may have had 5 sips of Coke products ever, so they know what it tastes like. The odd root beer shared with a parent is about it since then.
Oh, and the US food processors seem to add food coloring to EVERYTHING. In Europe if I get, say, a normal (as in non-organic) strawberry yogurt or ice cream, the red/pink color comes from.... strawberries. Here it's almost always artificial - in addition to the strawberries, which ALREADY make it pink. And it has probably twice as much sweetener as, say, the Canadian "equivalent," and I use that term loosely. (Ask Stacy about American yogurt vs Canadian! I thought she was going to gag - she couldn't finish the 4-ounce cup.

) But because I've seen how my kids react to the coloring, it's not something we can afford to do even a drop of more than, say weekly unless someone comes to take me to a rubber room. LOL Vanilla and stevia work wonders on rice milk and yogurt here, and I know exactly what is and isn't in them without having to wonder.
I wonder about the Canadian regulations about colorings, whether they're natural or artificial...... *off to Google some more*

I'm learning all kinds of stuff on this thread.