It's a slow process, but you are doing the right things

I gave MPI DS carrot, butternut squash, sweet potato, apple, cucumber. Then tried broccoli and green beans.
Once he'd had a variety of fruit and veg I tried him on mixed purees. Cereal I left for a couple of months, then tried rice, then quinoa. He really wasn't all that keen at first, so he only gets a little mixed with puree now. He does like rice crackers though!
Meat and fish has been pretty much a disaster so far. He'll eat a bit of turkey but that's all

He had a bad reaction to beef (common in MPI LOs).
The main thing is to introduce foods singly for three days, watching for any reaction, then just gradually introduce harder to digest foods like cereals and proteins. MSPI and reflux babies can be fussy and slow to wean, so a good milk intake is essential.