Sher, sounds like you have a good plan. Thank goodness others like Eloys and Kirry have been through all of this. I love your slp; she sounds fantastic. :-) I don't think the university program has much info on the food connection, as I watched the grad slp feed the group of boys both doritos and cookies (with frosting and dyed sugar sprinkles).
I was pretty surprised. Last week they did smores, because the theme was camping. I guess I could see that one coming...
As far as the milk, I think it was our pedi that gave us that advice a long ways back. ARe you trying to only do a certain amt? Is there a reason behind the 23 oz? Is he fine with the water added? (Sorry for the ?'s.) Heath can spot watered down milk pretty quick, but if it is done at the beginning, perhaps he won't notice? I haven't really done it; perhaps a few days a long time ago.
Dealing with family can be difficult. I feel like I am always walking a tightrope between being to restrictive and allowing H to learn to be an adventurous eater (trying new things). My biggest frustration is that neither dh's nor my side of the family read labels at all. (I am surprised my mom is the worst, as she went through a lot of food intollerance with my brother.) My mom always gets the cheapest product (you already know eating this way is not cheap). So yogurt is on sale, she brings a load of yogurts with dyes and etc. Heath wants to eat it on the spot. I casually glance at the label and ask if she looked at the ingredients (sometimes there are strawberries and such). Of course she says no. Or we are at the ils and they have bought a dyed high fructose corn syrup cake. Perhaps I seem like a "food snob" to them, but they haven't had to live through the the reflux, sleepless nights, food refusal, rashy bottom, skin irritation, and exhaustion/weariness that food intollerance has brought in to our lives. They get to causually see it, iykwim. Maybe I need my own thread by the sounds of it.
We are so happy to have H despite the food challenges that have come our way, of course.
And I do really love to cook, so it isn't like I am locked up in the kitchen doing something I hate. PerhapsH landed in the perfect spot. The apple didn't fall too far in our case.
I will say that I read the preschool section of the book "Child of Mine: Feeding with love and good sense" (the copyright was 2000). Perhaps it isn't the most current thinking on feeding; I don't know. The main idea is that parents provide the what, when, where of eating, and the child is responsible for how much and the whether of eating. The "managing food allergies" section in nearly nonexistant, as it is two pages long for preschoolers. Perhaps the ideas would work if food intollerance and allergies are not in the mix. And I peeked at the sections for younger ones, and I don't even see any mention of food intollerance/allergy issues mentioned in the special issues for bfing section. :-( I do think the other book seems more applicable; I hope it is as good as it looks.