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Re: Diary of putting my family on the RAPH diet
« Reply #75 on: July 21, 2011, 04:26:14 am »
Sher, sounds like you have a good plan.  Thank goodness others like Eloys and Kirry have been through all of this.  I love your slp; she sounds fantastic.  :-)  I don't think the university program has much info on the food connection, as I watched the grad slp feed the group of boys both doritos and cookies (with frosting and dyed sugar sprinkles).   :o :o :o  I was pretty surprised.  Last week they did smores, because the theme was camping.  I guess I could see that one coming...

As far as the milk, I think it was our pedi that gave us that advice a long ways back.  ARe you trying to only do a certain amt?  Is there a reason behind the 23 oz?  Is he fine with the water added?  (Sorry for the ?'s.)  Heath can spot watered down milk pretty quick, but if it is done at the beginning, perhaps he won't notice?   I haven't really done it; perhaps a few days a long time ago.  

Dealing with family can be difficult.  I feel like I am always walking a tightrope between being to restrictive and allowing H to learn to be an adventurous eater (trying new things).  My biggest frustration is that neither dh's nor my side of the family read labels at all.  (I am surprised my mom is the worst, as she went through a lot of food intollerance with my brother.)  My mom always gets the cheapest product (you already know eating this way is not cheap).  So yogurt is on sale, she brings a load of yogurts with dyes and etc.  Heath wants to eat it on the spot.  I casually glance at the label and ask if she looked at the ingredients (sometimes there are strawberries and such).  Of course she says no.  Or we are at the ils and they have bought a dyed high fructose corn syrup cake.  Perhaps I seem like a "food snob" to them, but they haven't had to live through the the reflux, sleepless nights, food refusal, rashy bottom, skin irritation, and exhaustion/weariness that food intollerance has brought in to our lives.  They get to causually see it, iykwim.  Maybe I need my own thread by the sounds of it.   :-\  We are so happy to have H despite the food challenges that have come our way, of course.   ;D  And I do really love to cook, so it isn't like I am locked up in the kitchen doing something I hate.  PerhapsH landed in the perfect spot.  The apple didn't fall too far in our case. 

I will say that I read the preschool section of the book "Child of Mine: Feeding with love and good sense" (the copyright was 2000).  Perhaps it isn't the most current thinking on feeding; I don't know.  The main idea is that parents provide the what, when, where of eating, and the child is responsible for how much and the whether of eating.  The "managing food allergies" section in nearly nonexistant, as it is two pages long for preschoolers.  Perhaps the ideas would work if food intollerance and allergies are not in the mix.  And I peeked at the sections for younger ones, and I don't even see any mention of food intollerance/allergy issues mentioned in the special issues for bfing section.  :-(  I do think the other book seems more applicable; I hope it is as good as it looks.

« Last Edit: July 21, 2011, 04:37:14 am by Jean :-) »

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Re: Diary of putting my family on the RAPH diet
« Reply #76 on: July 21, 2011, 11:53:05 am »
Quote (selected)
Elo - quick question. Do we stop the milk trial as soon as we see symptoms.

Yes definantly. If you unsure, continue the challenge until symptoms worsen.

I'll be back, I didn't read all.

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Re: Diary of putting my family on the RAPH diet
« Reply #77 on: July 21, 2011, 12:18:08 pm »
Sher I am pretty sure you can  drink more than 300ml of milk per day on the challenges, day 3-7 is 600ml.  Bascially you are trying to create a mega dose to ensure that if they pass, they really do pass.  I think anyone would feel bad after drinking 600ml per day - personally.

I haven't scanned the protocol yet. I will try to find a moment to do so tomorrow night,  its about 8 pages long.

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Re: Diary of putting my family on the RAPH diet
« Reply #78 on: July 21, 2011, 14:47:58 pm »
Elo - no rush. You are doing me a favor and I appreciate that. I will PM you my address when I get a chance today so that you don't have to hunt it down. Or do you think the scans will be good enough to read electronicly. I hadn't thought about that. Maybe  you don't have to ship them.

My only thought on the 23 ounces as I thought that was really the max they should have at this age. What are the thoughts on that?

Jean - does the book talk a lot about the sensory aspect? Because I really believe that is what we are dealing with here.
He sits and watches me add the water. I think he is just sooo happy to have milk back that he doesn't even car at this point. I just am trying to remember to do it first thing at the start of the morning so that we don't run into problems later in the day. Oh, also I do it because he gets plenty nutritionally so I don't have to worry about that end, and then I still give him whole milk. So I was thinking maybe he shouldn't have unlimited quantities. You aren't limiting H's anymore?

I read that they put fillers etc in with the 2% and lower, so I just decided to stick with the whole milk and dilute it. Does that seem rational? It's what DH prefers anyways. Although I believe that both DH and I have failed the milk challenge.

Oh, and Lyle slept his normal 11 hours last night. Hurray!!! So the milk didn't effect his sleep. I'm pretty sure it might be effecting behavior a little. However, he might just have a lot more energy today and it seems like more than usually because I've had a whiney irritable boy for 2 weeks. So... I'm just going to keep an eye on it and if it doesn't seem to effect his learning/speech, I think we will keep it in for now.

I had this idea, that maybe I will add a little tiny bit of almond milk (in the future)  and slowly slowly slowly maybe we could go to something like almond milk. Although if he is a salycilates (sp) responder that might not work. So we'll just have to wait and see.
DS#1: 30 Oct 2007
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Re: Diary of putting my family on the RAPH diet
« Reply #79 on: July 21, 2011, 19:47:45 pm »
The book child of mine doesn't cover sensory issues.  :-(  But I was hoping the food chaining book would have a bit more with regards to medical/other conditions that may be factors.  My guess is that sensory processing issues would be fairly common enough in a group of kids with more extensive food avoidance.   Try your extended library system, so you don't have to buy it in case it isn't comprehensive enough.  I have fingers crossed that you can find it to check it out.  

Ok, so I went to barnes and noble on line.  I think chpt 4 of food chaining has a sensory evaluation.  I hope the link works for you.  Click on the table of contents; it wil let you read the first page of it.  BN used to have a link where you could see if the book was available at your local store.  I can't seem to find that option, but maybe call to see if they have it in stock for you to look at before you buy (if the library doesn't have it).

But I also like that chpt 1 is a medical evaluation, so it probably walks through some medical issues that could be a factor.  I still think looking at that may be very worth your time, too.  

As for the milk, I think the whole milk is fine (recommended in Nourishing Traditions, anyway, am I remembering that right Deb, Eloys?).  I think I missed the memo on only 23 oz of milk a day.  H probably has about 30.

Does anyone have a recommendation for a pitcher to use for milk (so H could pour).  I could put the daily amt in there to see how far it is going.  ONe of the suggestions by the Child of Mine book is to have kids scoop their own food.  I will admit I am horrible at that because I usually put together his plate, so it has time to cool.  He is very sensitive to the temp of his food, and likes it room temp or cooler.

Funny that you and dh have failed.  (I say funny, but I mean a combo of oddly and surprisingly.)  I hope Lyle will be able to tollerate it.  It is hard to tell if it is a one off or not feeling well for a few days or contiual ot.  Sometimes it is so hard to tell when there are a number of "or"s.   We did rice milk during our dairy free trial because of the salicylates.  After our dairy free trial, I also went mostly milk free.  I still do cheese.  What can I say?  I am a Wisconsin girl after all; it's in my blood.  ;-)

How is E doing with all this?  Is he doing pretty well?
« Last Edit: July 21, 2011, 20:09:44 pm by Jean :-) »

Offline sherry lynn

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Re: Diary of putting my family on the RAPH diet
« Reply #80 on: July 22, 2011, 00:38:58 am »
E just failed milk. Or at least I'm pretty sure he did. Elo I'll take your advice on this.
So today was
Wake 6:45 ish
Nap 12:30sih
Awake 2:00 on the nose. (woke on his own. Was def still tired and a little moody this afternoon)
In bed at 7
Asleep 8:22. He was very upset. He hasn't been like this in a long time. Then he let out a huge burp after a bit. Then he farted about 4 times. He also did this weird cough thing, that I've never heard him do before.

Please cross your fingers that he does ok tonight.

Jean - That's so funny about H. Lyle is the same way, it has to be room temperature or lower. His showers have to be down right cold. What we do for food is he has to touch it. Then eventually he has to kiss it. (this is what the school spl has him do) if he won't touch it, then I have to ask him permission to put it on the back of his hand. Then we try to work up to taking one small bite. He is allowed to spit it out. BUT - he can not use his hands. He has do use the mouth muscles to get it in the trash.

So we were reading a dino book today. And I made up this story about how the dino took his orange medicine to grow into a big huge dino  ;D ;)  That's what I told him this morning. He told me "Lyle, big enough"  heh

The DH and I failing milk was not a big surprise to either of us :)  Both of us went milk free in college. But, then we seemed to be ok after that. But, I think now I know (from here) that intolerances don't seem to go away, the symptoms change (enter eczema).
DS#1: 30 Oct 2007
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Re: Diary of putting my family on the RAPH diet
« Reply #81 on: July 22, 2011, 02:49:43 am »
Poor Emory; although I know you are not surprised.  Now I hope Lyle hangs in there.  Interesting about you and dh going dairy free.  Sounds like your skin is clearing then.  There is some good news.  Fingers crossed for both boys to have a good night.  XXXXXXXXXXXX

Is the book with the orange medicine a prep for vitamins?  His response was super cute.  :-)

I think I am actually going to order the food chaining book; it would be good to get some more "tools for my toolbox".

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Re: Diary of putting my family on the RAPH diet
« Reply #82 on: July 22, 2011, 04:38:45 am »
Keep going one more day if you are unsure, it sounds like the start of a fail.   Best to be 100% sure.

The scans will be fine to read over emjavascript:void(0);ail!   :) :)

Offline sherry lynn

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Re: Diary of putting my family on the RAPH diet
« Reply #83 on: July 22, 2011, 09:48:55 am »
During the night he did well, but he woke at 5:15. DH got him back to sleep, but he woke Lyle up. and Lyle isn't going back to sleep. Every night he has started to use the sun argument on me. So this morning I said, lets try to go back to sleep Lyle. The sun isn't up. So the cheeky monkey says, the sun will be up soon.
DS#1: 30 Oct 2007
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Re: Diary of putting my family on the RAPH diet
« Reply #84 on: July 22, 2011, 10:19:20 am »
I forgot to specifically say that Lyle had the shortest night last night that he's had in a long time. He slept 9h50min. Because he woke at the regular time yesterday (6:45) we did bedtime at regular time.  I was hoping he would be ok. I really didn't have much choice because I had the boy by myself. He either had to go down much earlier or even later. Oh well. Not sure what to do tonight as early bedtime didn't really cut it last week. I don't think he would take a car nap because he just did the day before yesterday.

He also wet through. A LOT. I think he ended up mostly having milk for dinner. So too many liquids at bedtime.
DS#1: 30 Oct 2007
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Offline sherry lynn

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Re: Diary of putting my family on the RAPH diet
« Reply #85 on: July 24, 2011, 00:40:04 am »
Elo - how long do we have to wait until we can challenge gluten?
DS#1: 30 Oct 2007
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Re: Diary of putting my family on the RAPH diet
« Reply #86 on: July 24, 2011, 08:15:33 am »
Sher, it is up to you really. As lonog as you have 3 clear days between the end of a fail.  So if you have a failed challenge, you go straight back to the strict diet until symptoms clear and then wait 3 clear days.   Even if you have passed challenge, until you have completed all your challenges, you must always go back to the strict diet.  This is really important.

I have the food challenge protocol ready, but it is 9MB so if you can PM your email address I will send it  to you.  And if anyone else reading this wants it, just PM me.

Offline sherry lynn

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Re: Diary of putting my family on the RAPH diet
« Reply #87 on: July 24, 2011, 14:24:06 pm »
Thanks :) 
I thought that was true of all but dairy and gluten. Can't we keep those in?
(well, only Lyle for the milk. But we are all hoping to pass gluten)
DS#1: 30 Oct 2007
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Re: Diary of putting my family on the RAPH diet
« Reply #88 on: July 25, 2011, 04:51:18 am »
Um m you might be righ ton that Sherry, its on the protocol.  Will email it to you now!

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Re: Diary of putting my family on the RAPH diet
« Reply #89 on: July 25, 2011, 16:46:43 pm »
Thanks Eloys :)  Have already read a lot of it. It's very very helpful.
I might post this on the failsafe forum, but do you know of something else DH can do for the Amines challenge. He reacted really really badly to coffee and milk, so he doesn't want to do milk chocolate.
DS#1: 30 Oct 2007
DS#2 19 Feb 2010