Author Topic: Getting started on easy. Nap issues. Shortness.  (Read 4298 times)

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Offline Aggiebeth06

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Getting started on easy. Nap issues. Shortness.
« on: July 07, 2011, 18:06:19 pm »
DS had been on a ESA schedule every two hours. Naps and BT have been a nightmare have been a mess for 2 months. In this time his reflux started aggravating him and we went through a med switch.

He is 6 months and a week old. He's spirited/touchy.

We started with a 3 hour EASY on Monday. That day was rough, but not too bad.

We did 3 hour EASY on Tuesday and I had lots of luck extending his naps with a firm hand on his back or hip. He started rolling and we did away with the swaddle that night. I think that made it hard for him to settle. But it was a better night and day than Monday.

On Wednesday, I (stupidly) plunged into a 3.5 hour EASY. it was horrid. He was so tired and cranky and I had trouble extending naps. It seemed like the 15 min prior to a change in our routine - particularly during a time before a nap were the worst. He was OT and teetering on meltdown city. The new routine, developmental steps, no swaddle and being awake too long did him in.

I read the FAQs about making the transition, and ping off of his cues yesterday, we have been on a 3.25 hour EASY today. He seems happier and less frustrated in general during his A times, but he has awoken within 30 min for both naps thus far and has taken about 20 -30 minutes to settle back down each time he wakes.

My goal is to head toward a 4 hour EASY. I'm scared, though that I'm being too inconsistent and that he's getting OT and won't accept new changes to his routine.

This is surfacing most with naps... The duration and how light he's sleeping.

I know there's a bigger picture, so I'm trying to not let every little setback get to me, but I am concerned that I'm not leading him correctly.

Would you solider on with the 3.25 hour EASY until he's not as OT or would you gradually increase A time now?
DS is spirited/touchy.
We started EASY at 6 months on a 3 hour routine but are working towardsa 4 hour EASY. DS is BF and was OT to begin with. He also decided to take a developmental leap as we started sleep training.

Offline Shiv52

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Re: Getting started on easy. Nap issues. Shortness.
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2011, 18:34:33 pm »
Hi there

Have you read this:

Given that he is 6 months you would be better just going for the 4 hour EASY and following the guidelines here to get you on track otherwise I think things are going to get complicated.  A 3 or even 3.5 hour EASY is not appropriate for a 6 month old.  In fact at this stage you would be looking at upping A time even more but it would be a better place to start.   Naps will be all over the place initally but as he settles in to the routine they will lengthen. 


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Re: Getting started on easy. Nap issues. Shortness.
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2011, 18:35:59 pm »
Oh firstly I meant to ask is his reflux under control with the med change? 

Offline Aggiebeth06

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Re: Getting started on easy. Nap issues. Shortness.
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2011, 20:28:32 pm »
Yes, thanks. I've read the entire last book.

My concern about going straight to 4 hours was because he's breastfed and I was concerned about my supply not adjusting rapidly enough. Maybe that's unfounded.

My concern now is him being OT with all of the changes in his life.

Thoughts? Maybe I should have posted in the EASY board, but I figured I'd oat here since napping is the symptom.

His reflux is under control, but we have to go to the doctor because since he switched, his urine has had a funny smell ... And the urinalysis indicated high bilirubin and ketones. I'm hoping all is okay and we don't have to switch again... I'm not sure I can go through that again. Lordy.
DS is spirited/touchy.
We started EASY at 6 months on a 3 hour routine but are working towardsa 4 hour EASY. DS is BF and was OT to begin with. He also decided to take a developmental leap as we started sleep training.

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Re: Getting started on easy. Nap issues. Shortness.
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2011, 21:02:26 pm »

Um, not sure about the BFing supply but I do know some BF babies find it hard to go 4 hours before feeds.  I know my DD2 struggled and 3.5 was about the most she could do.  So scrap what I said about the 4 hour EASY.  Maybe stick with 3.5 for now. 

So lets think about these naps! 

How is he settling for naps at the minute?   If he is wakening around the 30 minute mark you could try being in the room from about 25 minutes and resettling and extending the second he wakes.  It could be if he wakes up too much 30 minutes sleep is enough to revive him for a good bit.   I know with my DD1, if i didn't get the nap extended quickly I had no hope. 

What A time have you been doing after a short nap?

When starting EASY it can take 4-5 days of consistency to see a result especially when starting with an older baby.  So dont' lose hope yet.

I'd stick to same A times as today for tomorrow and try and extend the naps and hopefully things will settle in a day or two.

How is night sleep?

Offline Aggiebeth06

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Re: Getting started on easy. Nap issues. Shortness.
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2011, 00:57:35 am »
Here's my EASY from today:

S 4:00 wake, cried but put self back to sleep (didn't go into room)
S 5:30 wake, sounded like settling but got upset so I went into the room
S 6:30 asleep
E 7:00 up and feed; first did urine catch for possible uti
A/E 8:00 get dressed and have solids
    8:35 wind down 
S 8:55 asleep
  9:30 awake (phone)
  10:05 asleep
E 10:15 awake& feed
A 10:45 activity -diaper and jumper
S 11:47 crib
    12:00 sleep
    12:23 awake
    12:45 asleep
E 1:30 awake & feed
A 2:15 play mat and tummy time, rocking after diaper 
S. 3:05 in bed
     3:16 asleep. No patting. Hand on chest.
     3:50 awake (sneezes)
     4:10 asleep 
     4:15 awake; hysterical 
     4:25 asleep
     4:35 awake, I left room and came back
E 4:40 awake & feed
A 5:15 activity, bath, pjs, hang out in daddy's lap
E 6:25 feed - very sleepy. Had to play some music and pull him off/ sit up several times
A 6:45 sit/rock
S. 6;52 crib after arching and kicking
    7:30 sleep. Fitful settling but only about 5 min total of crying. Hand on hip, shhh when on the verge of settling.

I know there's some random notes - I've been trying to figure out some patterns.

Also, I have a place to camp out on the floor by the bed so I can respond quickly but rest. I've also got a chair by the crib. I find that I have to keep my hand on him for 10-15 min after he dozes.

He's been fighting laying on his side and ends up on his back, so I generally get a hand on his hip.

The 3.25 hr schedule was better than the 3.5. I think he's OT bigtime. I tried keeping the stimulation low.
DS is spirited/touchy.
We started EASY at 6 months on a 3 hour routine but are working towardsa 4 hour EASY. DS is BF and was OT to begin with. He also decided to take a developmental leap as we started sleep training.

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Re: Getting started on easy. Nap issues. Shortness.
« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2011, 14:15:35 pm »
The fact that are able to resettle the naps is actually great.  I would stick to what you are doing for a couple of days as consistently as you can until his body has a chance to get used to new A times and then see where you are in in terms of naps. 

He's been fighting laying on his side and ends up on his back, so I generally get a hand on his hip.
If he'd rather be on his back let him.  I ssh-patted DD1's legs rather than back and it worked fine.  Lots of babies like different approaches.  Some like their back patted, some tummies, some heads rubbed. 

Hows today been going?

Do you do any night feeds?

Offline Aggiebeth06

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Re: Getting started on easy. Nap issues. Shortness.
« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2011, 18:43:09 pm »
Since my last update on the easy:
VERY light sleep until 8:30.
E/S 10:30 dreamfeed 4 oz. I accidentally woke him up 
S 11:15 asleep
S 4:38 awake
   5:28 asleep
   6:00 awake, tried to get down but didn't  
E 7:00 feed
A 7:45 diaper, play mat
E 7:55 solids
A 8:15 clean up and put day clothes on; ride to doctor 
S 9:00 in car seat
A 9:30 doctors appointment
E 10:40 nurse
A 11:00 car ride
S 11:05 in car seat
    11:30 awake (stoplight)
A 12:15 walgreens and car ride home
E 1:00 nursing
A 1:25 sit/stand and put on sleeper bag
S 1:28 in crib
   1:35 asleep

You can see that we are off today because of the doctors appointment ( he checked out ok - had concerns of a urinary tract infection.

I hate that we had to go in while we're getting started, but I figured that his health trumped training. We'll resume a scheduled day ASAP... He needs some consistency IMO.

Thinking out loud, I am not sure how to play out today. Being that he is ot, I think my goal is:
S until 3
A until 4
E 4:00
A (short)
S at first signs of sleepiness - by 5 ish
E upon waking by 6 ish
A bath, pjs, quiet time around 6-7
E (if needed/time to tank up)
S around 7 or 7:30
   DF at 10:30
DS is spirited/touchy.
We started EASY at 6 months on a 3 hour routine but are working towardsa 4 hour EASY. DS is BF and was OT to begin with. He also decided to take a developmental leap as we started sleep training.

Offline Aggiebeth06

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Re: Getting started on easy. Nap issues. Shortness.
« Reply #8 on: July 08, 2011, 19:45:41 pm »
I've got a settling question. DS seems to be a really light sleeper. I'm posting from my phone and have had my hands on and off of him for about 35 min and we're 1.25 hours into his nap.

Is this normal? He twitches and throws his hands out about every 5-10 minutes. He has been doing this since about 20 min into his nap.
DS is spirited/touchy.
We started EASY at 6 months on a 3 hour routine but are working towardsa 4 hour EASY. DS is BF and was OT to begin with. He also decided to take a developmental leap as we started sleep training.

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Re: Getting started on easy. Nap issues. Shortness.
« Reply #9 on: July 08, 2011, 20:59:34 pm »
I think its prob OT related and should improve as he settles in to the routine.  Is he in a sleep bag or tucked in with blankets?  Have you any white noise on in his room?  My DD1 always loved being really tightly snug in a blanket and slept better than when in her grobag. 

He's not hungry at the 4/5am wakening is he?   Plan for rest of the day looks good. 

Glad everything was ok at the doctors.

Offline Aggiebeth06

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Re: Getting started on easy. Nap issues. Shortness.
« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2011, 00:30:54 am »
Thanks. I don't tuck him in yet. I only have fleece sacks and it's too warm. I'll give tthe blanket a try when we get our muslin ones in.

We use a fan for white noise.

The rest of the day has gone well, but I went too long in the bath with him. I didn't have a clock. Now he's not wanting to settle, but we'll get there!

I wonder some if he is hungry at the 4:30 wake. He sometimes makes a different cry then - like a "eh-cough wahhhh" repeatedly. I've not tried feeding him because I'm so paranoid to start out - I don't want to go back to nursing to sleep, but I don't want to make him go hungry.

He's gained a few ounces from last week and shows no signs of dehydration. Do you think I should keep on trying to push daytime calories or feed then and worry about weaning it later?

He has been a precarious sleeper from 4-6 for a month or more now, so I almost wonder if it's another symptom of being OT? We've been struggling with reflux (now is fine) and lack of sleep for 2 months.

I really appreciate the support.
DS is spirited/touchy.
We started EASY at 6 months on a 3 hour routine but are working towardsa 4 hour EASY. DS is BF and was OT to begin with. He also decided to take a developmental leap as we started sleep training.

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Re: Getting started on easy. Nap issues. Shortness.
« Reply #11 on: July 09, 2011, 20:11:27 pm »
I know a lot of BF babies still take a NF as well as a DF at 6 months and its weaned once they are well established on solids.  I just wonder is he hungry but he seems to sleep so fitfully once he has that early morning wake and just wondered if its hunger keeping him from being able to settle totally back to sleep.  I understand you not wanting to start something you haven't been doing though!  I guess if you keep getting that early morning wakening you could try feeding and see does he take a full feed and then put him down drowsy but awake and see does that help him settle back to sleep until wake up without waking on and off and needing help resettling. because as you comment it could also be related to OT. Totally whatever you are comfortable doing though xx

Hope he settled after the bath and you get a good night x

Offline Aggiebeth06

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Re: Getting started on easy. Nap issues. Shortness.
« Reply #12 on: July 10, 2011, 13:42:19 pm »
Thank you again for your support. The last two nights have been awesome, except for that 4:30-6:30 stretch. He is putting himself back to sleep some now.

DH took care of putting him to sleep yesterday and it went great. There was some adjustment for DS, but he did wonderful (both he's). He's still waking some for naps but we are making major headway.

I was able to take a good long soak in the bath and get a pedicure. First time forthat since before DS was born. It's so great to feel more like myself.
DS is spirited/touchy.
We started EASY at 6 months on a 3 hour routine but are working towardsa 4 hour EASY. DS is BF and was OT to begin with. He also decided to take a developmental leap as we started sleep training.

Offline Shiv52

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Re: Getting started on easy. Nap issues. Shortness.
« Reply #13 on: July 10, 2011, 16:59:20 pm »
I was able to take a good long soak in the bath and get a pedicure. First time forthat since before DS was born. It's so great to feel more like myself.
Amazing the difference a nice long bath makes!!!  That was the first thing I started doing for myself a few times a week when DD1 was about 4 months and it was so relaxing!

Well done to both your boys!!! Great work!  Hope it continues xx

Offline Aggiebeth06

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Re: Getting started on easy. Nap issues. Shortness.
« Reply #14 on: July 12, 2011, 14:57:11 pm »
Hi Shiv,

We're having continued nap issues and I'm wondering if I should just wait it out or if I should tweak what we're doing.

I posted on the general sleep issues forum about DS's early waking. I felt that it was okay to try again for 3.5 hours based upon DS taking okay to the new routine and because we need to work towards 4 hours on the EASY.

We are having troubles with naps. We had them at both 3.25 hours and 3.5 hours hot the EASY.

He goes down initially very quickly., but it's like he never truly settles. I've tried pitting pressure for the jolt and just leaving him be. I've tried gentle shhing when he stirs... No matter what, it seems like his pattern is to wake at about 35 min (if we make it that far), toss and act like he'll settle then be awake again and repeat.

Sometimes he will stay down and others he won't.

WDYT? I'm trying to be calm and consistent, but I'm nervous that he'll never nap right and I won't get a break or be able to focus on work (I work at home).
DS is spirited/touchy.
We started EASY at 6 months on a 3 hour routine but are working towardsa 4 hour EASY. DS is BF and was OT to begin with. He also decided to take a developmental leap as we started sleep training.