Author Topic: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 3  (Read 62372 times)

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 3
« Reply #45 on: February 10, 2012, 21:18:50 pm »
are exceptionally high in acid and with refluxers can upset the GI tract enough to give them the diarrhea.
Ooooooooooh!!!! That makes so much sense now.

Wonder if that's why the big girls have diarrhea with apple juice when they're apparently outgrown their reflux? I really do wonder sometimes if the monster really has left the house  :-\

And I will google them.
Vicki - nursing student and proud mother to three refluxers in two years

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 3
« Reply #46 on: February 10, 2012, 21:29:01 pm »
Kiwifruit makes my lips tingle and go numb, it's the only thing on this planet I am vaguely "allergic" to!

Wow can't believe I haven't joined this sooner! Dd1 is a total star with food, actually loves vegetables! Dd2 is a different kettle of fish ::) she barely speaks but we hear the word "yucky" basically everytime I present her with a meal :( She is on the 99th centile for weight so obviously no worries there :P but it's extremely disheartening that she won't/can't eat with us all, what we're eating half the time. I try to nonchalantly put her tea in front of her and not react to her distain but it's hard!! I continually offer the foods that we are having, I haven't given up!!
Anyway, nice to be here :)
Blessed mum to two home-birthed darling water babies

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 3
« Reply #47 on: February 10, 2012, 21:45:02 pm »
Apple juice can induce diarrhea in some people due to the intense sugar load that draws water into the bowel.  May also be the acid.  As long as you are aware, it's half the battle won.
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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 3
« Reply #48 on: February 10, 2012, 21:51:39 pm »
OK, I googled. Nope, the girls do NOT eat Kiwi's lol. 

I think some of E's pickiness lately is resulting from her teeth. Hard/chewy things like toast get devoured. Bread is a fav though she won't let me put anything at all on it. All kinds of jams and jellies are being flat out refused. No to applesauce or any other purees. She just wants it plain. Which really is less messy.
Vicki - nursing student and proud mother to three refluxers in two years

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 3
« Reply #49 on: February 12, 2012, 08:10:23 am »
Don't know if this is any good for any of you at all but I posted a thread on my blog for recipes with hidden fruit and veg in them:
Here's my blog which is focussed on simple food for babies, toddlers and families

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 3
« Reply #50 on: March 26, 2012, 17:41:10 pm »
hello ladies i reluctantly would like to join this conversation as I too have picky eaters and it's starting to slowly driving me insane.  I have a 7 1/2 yr old who would LIVE on chicken nuggets and hot dogs if I let him, but WILL eat pork chops WITH apple sauce and ham.  Chicken is a forced issue unless it's in nugget form, though he USE to love grilled chicken now it's a fight.  He will also eat pasta and turkey burgers.  NO RED MEAT whatsoever. 

my 19 mos old daughter's died would be filled with fruit, veggies and yogurt  and crackers if I allowed THAT.  She too eats no red meat.  Partially my fault I think because I always found things like steaks too chewy and was afraid they'd choke.  My son USE to eat london broil but refuses it now. 

I now make at least 2 different dinners most nights and the way things are going with my daughter it could be 3!  ugh....I feel like all they eat are frozen foods, (chicken nuggets, hot dogs, fish sticks)  sigh I really WANT them to eat healthy and thankfully they do both love fruits and veggies so that isn't a struggle.  any advice would be appreciated or even possible healthier food choices that they may be willing to consider. 

Being that my son is nearly 8 yrs old I feel he has the right to NOT like long as he TRIES it.  Which isn't always easy to get him to do but...with my daughter I mean she is just not at that point and I often end up giving her yogurt or fruit/veggie blended pouches just to get SOMETHING into her and know she's getting the nutrients she needs but then part of me thinks she is starting to expect that if she refuses what I give her...I dunno...what has worked for YOU?
<3 Melissa

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 3
« Reply #51 on: October 12, 2013, 07:27:06 am »
Hi there,

Is this thread still open?

Offline Debsie2005

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 3
« Reply #52 on: October 18, 2013, 14:47:49 pm »
Mummytojames....hmmm not sure but I'm in a real rut with my 3 year old and food :(

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 3
« Reply #53 on: October 18, 2013, 18:56:56 pm »
Yep it is still open.  Fire away ladies. 
8) I BFd a combined total of 4y, 1m & 1d

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 3
« Reply #54 on: November 09, 2013, 08:52:05 am »
My 18 mth old is a perfect eater at daycare then when she comes home she either barely eats at night or has yogurt only.  On wkds she goes on a hunger strike.  I stopped trying to get her to eat.  I have hubby and I sit for a meal and she normally decides to join but does not eat much.  Any tips to get her to eat !

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 3
« Reply #55 on: December 28, 2013, 14:35:55 pm »
I am so stressed out by my 12 mth of daughter. She used to be a great eater up to 8 mth. Went thru a period of two mth that she wouldn't let me spoon feed her so I BLW then back to spoon feed n she is okie. Now the problem is she wouldn't eat unless I let her watch her favourite songs played on YouTube!!!! I have created a monster eater. Help help how do I stop this habit????

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 3
« Reply #56 on: January 26, 2014, 11:50:07 am »
Hi, I am new to this forum! Ds is 2yrs, 9months and goes through phases of picky eating... He has just been pretty poorly now with a lingering cold, so we have a very tired, grouchy boy in our hands and I guess he completely lost his appetite from the sickness too. On top of his normal pickiness, I am struggling to find a way out of this rut he is in... Too tired or hungry to eat even his favourite foods and refusing just about everything except the odd bit if toast or cereal. Should I just keep on offering him little bits of favourite food to get his appetite back up, or just stick with the normal routine of meal times and eating what we are eating etc? I am worried he will get used to just eating whatever he wants, as this has lasted about a week now. Thanks all!

Offline ills84

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 3
« Reply #57 on: July 14, 2014, 08:07:15 am »
Hi all,

I have a little 21 month old girl. She has always been hit and miss with her food. For the past 9-10months she has decided that she doesn't really want to eat dinner. She'll eat breaky, snacks, lunch (sometimes) but when it comes to dinner she'll only have 1-3 mouthfuls and nothing else. If I give/offer yogurt she'll eat this but I don't do this as I think she started to only want this.

I just can't understand why it's only at dinner. It doesn't matter of its food she likes or something new. Any ideas?


Offline brummum

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 3
« Reply #58 on: July 19, 2014, 17:59:25 pm »
Hi, I can't believe I'm posting here! DS (2.5) has always been a great eater and I thought that was the one thing we weren't going to have an issue with but no..!

Ills84 is there any chance she is not as hungry at dinner time as at other times in the day? Does she have snacks between lunch and tea? Would pushing it later help at all?

I would really appreciate people sharing their approaches, at the moment I have stuck too making just the one meal and trying to keep the variety going although it is so hard not to stick to the things I know he will eat. I don't make him eat anything, I tell him he can get down whenever he's finished. What he's doing all the time at the moment though is pushing away his main meal and just wanting pudding (usually some version of yoghurt, rice pudding, custard, fruit etc..) so I have been saying he can have that if he has some of his main meal but otherwise he can get down if he wants. This always upsets him but I have been sticking to it whilst trying not to make it seem like a punishment you know. Otherwise I'm pretty sure he would live on yoghurt and fruit. It feels like I'm getting into a power struggle by doing that and I really don't want to make food an emotional/power thing.... I just don't know what else to do. I've tried having the conversation about needing to eat things in moderation to stay healthy and have energy to play but to be honest I think this goes over his head so it's hard for me to make this not seem like a punishment. Argghhh. Sorry rambling! Really interested in what other peoples approach is.

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Re: Support thread for moms of picky eaters - Part 3
« Reply #59 on: July 31, 2014, 02:28:13 am »
Joining in Ohio....I have a 3 yr old who is a terrible resistant eater. He has textural and temperature issues around food too. It's a struggle because DH and I love food. Our second LO seems to eat everything and makes up for his brothers fussiness but also makes meal times just so frustrating.

Brummum we have tried a number of things with Z. Our main issue is he is totally unmotivated by food. He will also happily eat nothing but then moan all day long ::) we're waiting on a OT appointment as he has anxieties which I don't think is normal fussiness but for now I try to offer him mostly safe foods and encourage touching, licking, playing, kissing, biting and spitting new foods. He often refuses foods I know he does like, and I do not offer anything else in these cases. Ie I know he likes marmite sandwiches. If I make some for lunch and he wants 'something else' then until he has had his sandwiches he doesn't get something else. That said I try to offer 3/4 choices 2 of which I know he likes and 1 is not a completely new food. If he has a good go at it he can have something else. I never force him to try new foods but I just keep exposing him.

Sorry, not much help as he's just really really silly about food. The usual things don't seem to work for us.

I will say in the times I have lost the plot and made a battle out of never ends well and we usually regress. :(

DS1 - Our sensitive soul. Silent reflux.

DS2 Our cheeky chipmunk. Reflux, MSPI.