Kta-400 :
We never swaddled LO really tight because she was born with congenital hip dysplasia. We were able to swaddle her upper body, but she had to wear a brace to hold her legs in a frog-like position 24/7 for the first 3.5 months of her life. When she was 3mo, she started being strong enough to undo her "swaddle" and the blanket would then get on her head and she'd get scared, so we stopped it right away. Since then she sleeps with no blanket at all.. it is also very hot here these days...
so for us, it works, but then she was never used to being properly swaddled and so weaning wasn't that hard.
good luck to you !
Also, after a week of doing this, i now just sit in her room and hold her just when i see a lot of movement. Most times, i only need to stay in 5-7 min and there's been a few naps where she didn't need any holding.. so i guess it's gradually improving !
I also use the same holding position when i put her to sleep, just for 30sec-1min, to calm her down as she has a lot of jerky mvt otherwise (spirited baby).. falling asleep time had gone from 60min to 30 to 15 to now 5 min... life is a lot easier !!