OK, so I thought the idea was for LO to have the same meals as me and for us to sit down at the table together for meal times. Sounds great. But how do you fit it in? When do you cook?
At the moment we have breakfast together sitting at the dining table, he has baby porridge on loaded spoons (he loves breakfast and enjoys self feeding, he wouldn't want me to feed him), I have cereal, and usually we both have a piece of fruit of some sort either after porridge or a bit later as a snack.
At lunch time it's more a case of grab something. He ends up with toast and cream cheese or hummus and I might have the same or I'll have a sandwich and give him an un-made sandwich (all the same stuff but in larger pieces to pick up and a finger of bread) and I can just about keep him entertained in a highchair in the kitchen whilst I make this. It means we end up eating in the kitchen though rather than at the dining table which isn't quite right. Sometimes, if I've had a chance, I bake/roast/steam some veg in the morning so he can have that either at home or I take it out with us if we have to go out but this isn't a meal for me, I just eat a bite as an example to him. We might also have a piece of fruit.
Dinner it gets worse. There is zero time to make a proper meal. We start BT routine at 6, asleep by 7. So at the moment his meal is around 5.30pm and another baby cereal (and he usually won't self feed much or at all at this time as he is tired and impatient to get the food in) and I don't eat (I spend the time feeding him) although he will pick up a finger food. For example tonight we both had some nectarine together so that I could 'pretend' we were sitting down for a meal together and after the fruit I fed him the baby cereal. Then the BT routine. After that is usually my time to get the house cleared up, chores done and my own dinner. So how do I have dinner with DS? I wouldn't mind eating at around 5.30pm with him but there's no time to cook a meal for then. What do you do?
The only thing I can think of is to make a meal the night before and re-heat it for a 5.30pm feed but I'm not a fan of microwaves so don't have one and reheating certain things is ok (fish pie or casserole for example that would reheat in the oven and doesn't really need my attention) but reheating steamed veg and a piece of chicken or fish is just madness.
We are only a couple of weeks into solids so I am not too stressed about us not really having proper meals together just yet, but I really wouldn't want to continue with cereal/porridge for both breakfast and dinner for a long time. I enjoy cooking, I enjoy healthy food and I enjoy (massively) seeing DS learn about food and try things out, so mixing baby porridge with formula twice per day just doesn't seem right.
I need to know how you work your day so that you get to eat together, please help me