DD2 is high sleep needs and has always slept very well and has been on one nap for about 2 mths. For the last 10 days her nap has shortened from 2.5 hrs to 1.5 hrs. Now I know that 1.5 hrs is a fine nap but the problem is that she is grumpy and tired. She also wants to go to bed really early then which makes it hard when doing activities after dinner with her older sister. Her schedule had been:
Wake 8 am (I wake her)
Nap 1-3:30 (almost always 2.5 hrs, a couple days a week it would be 3 hrs)
Asleep 8 pm (8:30 if she took a 3 hr nap)
Now it has been:
Wake 8 am (I wake her)
Nap 1-2:30
Asleep 7:30
I have tried pain meds with no luck and also putting her down earlier around 12:30 with no luck. She is so tired at naptime and says "bed, nap" over and over and nearly falls asleep when I nurse her. She is awake when I put her in bed. I have also been keeping her in the crib for an hour after she wakes to see if she will fall back asleep. She does not cry, just rolls around a lot (video monitor). I haven't a clue what to do since DD1 never slept this well. I guess the biggest problem is that she is grumpy all evening and then bedtime is too early. She was asking last night around 7 pm which is hard with her sisters schedule. Any ideas?