Until this weekend we had a good day going:
W/E 6am
solids 7
S 8.45-10
solids 11
S 1-3
E 4
solids 4.30
bed 6
But on Saturday he wouldn't take his morning nap and eventually passed out around 9.30 for about half an hour so I guessed he needed more A time. So yesterday I sorted the morning with a nap at 9-10.30 but he refused to nap in the afternoon, putting him down at 2. I know the idea will be to get him to have a short AM nap and long PM nap but should I wake him? I feel so happy that he's actually gone to sleep that I feel mean waking him
Anyway...am I right? What would my day look like? (he's a baby that responds better to big time changes and not 5 minuet increments)
Thank you