my DS would claim that he is unable to tuck himself in (can't get in bed, can't pull the blanket on top of him, etc). he would put on this big act like it was too hard to do any of this stuff. (quite hilarious now, we should have recorded it). we would say our line "remember the sleep rules" and it was rough the first night for sure but we would not go in the room. he didn't completely tear his room apart but he was pretty angry. everything was said outside the door (our one line) through the gates and he did eventually put himself back to bed.
i (or Dh) slept on an air mattress in his room him for a few weeks and outside his door trying to deal with these issues. i was so depressed, had not slept next to DH in weeks. When we finally implemented the new "rules", he was STTN again within the week.