Author Topic: Switching onto cows milk alternative at 1YO  (Read 2096 times)

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Switching onto cows milk alternative at 1YO
« on: July 21, 2011, 20:50:37 pm »
DS is 11months old & dairy intolerant.  Doesn't seem to have a severe reaction to it in his gut, but it did cause terrible skin problems - facial rashes, eczema over his entire torso, arms & legs and persistent cradle cap.  Since changing onto HA formula its all gone.  Which is great.

Anyhow last time we saw the GP, he said we would be needing to transition to an alternative to cows milk when he reaches 1YO.  I have a sneaking suspicion that he is going to refuse to continue prescribing the hypo-allergenic milk once DS reaches 1YO due to cost.  We had quite a job getting the prescription in the first place.  So, my question is: IS there a suitable alternative for him to drink from 1YO that will give him the calcium/nutrition he needs? 

I know you can buy soy milk but I'd heard this was no longer recommended for boys due to it mimicking the female hormone oestrogen in the body.  Or will it not matter after 1YO b/c he won't be drinking anywhere near as much?

Also, I saw a different HV recently who said that if we trial him on dairy once he is 1YO & he still has a reaction to it, then DS should still continue to have his prescription milk until age 2, as there is no other alternative that is nutritionally complete for him.  Anyone know if this is right ???


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Re: Switching onto cows milk alternative at 1YO
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2011, 22:32:08 pm »
Goat's milk is a possibility and has a very similar nutritional composition to cow's milk. My DS is intolerant of cow's milk (gut reaction mainly) but tolerates goat's milk products quite nicely. Some others use almond milk and/or coconut milk too.
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: Switching onto cows milk alternative at 1YO
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2011, 10:10:24 am »
Hi, you could try goat's millk but the proteins are very similar so do try with caution!

I am not sure about the advice on soy milk after 1 year TBH. My UK dietician said that is the milk we should be aiming for as it has more protein than oat milk. Would be interested to hear what others think as we have now proved Olly isn't intolerant but I have not tried soy milk becuase of the controversy.

Rice milk is not recommended in the UK.

Olly has oat milk enriched with calcium. Not sure what your other HV means... cow's milk isn't nutritionally complete either surely?? After 1 they could be get all their nutrients from food anyway. You do need to make sure that your LO has plenty of calcium enriched foods (or even a calcium supplement from the dietician) and IMHO 'fatty' foods ie avacado, salmon etc.


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Re: Switching onto cows milk alternative at 1YO
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2011, 14:21:36 pm »
Not sure what your other HV means... cow's milk isn't nutritionally complete either surely?? After 1 they could be get all their nutrients from food anyway.
Well I did wonder this myself but then thought maybe I was missing something!!!  And as you say, milk is no longer the most important source of food for them anyway.

I have not tried soy milk becuase of the controversy.
Exactly why I am not keen either!

Do you use 'Oatly' oat milk?  We have been using this when I want to cook anything for him that would usually contain milk.  Haven't tried offering it as a drink though.  Does your LO find it ok to drink?

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Re: Switching onto cows milk alternative at 1YO
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2011, 15:13:39 pm »
Yes, it is Oatly. He LOVES it to drink!