Author Topic: 3 week old - wanting to take small feeds every 1.5 hours?!  (Read 1546 times)

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3 week old - wanting to take small feeds every 1.5 hours?!
« on: July 24, 2011, 08:21:51 am »
Hi again

Evelyn is now 3 weeks old, has been feeding much better - put on 12oz last week  :), and we'd settled into a 3ish hour feeding pattern (on demand - but generally between 2.5-3.25 hours).  Her latch still isn't great due to tongue tie, but I've been taking fenugreek and it seems to have helped the speed of her feeds.  However, last night she wanted to feed at 7, 8.30, 10, 11.45, 1.30am 3am, 4.30am, 6am  :-X - but didn't seem to take very much and just fell back asleep.  Tried nappy changes/blowing on her face/tickling feet to keep her awake - but she just didn't seem bothered about taking a bigger feed.   She did the same thing 2 nights ago too - is there anything I can do??  I'm so tired as it still takes her 30 mins to 1 hour to take one of these inefficient feeds!!

Thank you xx
Claire x

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Re: 3 week old - wanting to take small feeds every 1.5 hours?!
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2011, 08:48:47 am »
It sounds to me like a growth spurt.  The frequent feeding sends signals to your body to increase the milk supply.  Once she's over the spurt she'll probably go back to the 3hr feeds.
Some people go for the 'baby moon' way through a spurt, ie strip yourself and LO off (down to nappy) for plenty of skin to skin and stay in bed.  LO gets to feed often and you get to catnap between or at least be in a more restful state even if you don't sleep.  it's helpful if you have a partner, mother, or friend who can pop by to bring you some food and drinks.  If not then take a picnic up to your bedroom so once you're settled you don't have to move.

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Thank you.  I had wondered about a growth spurt - but she seems to be eating much *less* than when she takes proper feeds  :-\.  She doesn;t seem to be doing much swallowing, and seems more unsettled afterwards.  I am wondering if she is uncomfortable and that is why she is waking so regularly/not settling.   
Claire x

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Re: 3 week old - wanting to take small feeds every 1.5 hours?!
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2011, 18:20:18 pm »
Yes maybe it is discomfort rather than a growth spurt.  I take it the tongue tie doesn't need cutting?
Sorry I haven't been able to help. Best of luck and hope someone else has some advice for you xx

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Re: 3 week old - wanting to take small feeds every 1.5 hours?!
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2011, 21:11:32 pm »
Your LO is still very young and might still need the more frequent feeds for a while.
But have you tried stretching her out a bit (by 5 or 10min), does she go mad?

Have you seen a LC? I don't have any experience of tongue tie but I would assume it could be related to it.

I am wondering if she is uncomfortable and that is why she is waking so regularly/not settling.
TBH, DS has reflux and the very frequent feeds were always a sign that he needed his meds increased. It might not be the case with your LO but it might be some other discomfort. Could it be wind?


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Re: 3 week old - wanting to take small feeds every 1.5 hours?!
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2011, 18:11:28 pm »
Thank you both.  I'm still not sure - the discomfort thing just makes everything more tricky to figure out  :-\.  She had her tongue tie cut, but still doesn;t have a great latch - I have spent some really helpful sessions with a lactation consultant, but basically I need to retrain DD to use her tongue properly as even when she latches on perfectly she slips off my nipple a little bit.  I think she is getting more windy due to this - but is *so* hard to wind!! 

Will probably be back with more questions over the next few days! xx
Claire x

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Re: 3 week old - wanting to take small feeds every 1.5 hours?!
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2011, 18:19:58 pm »
I think that 3 weeks can be a common age for reflux issues to start coming to the fore, so it is definitely worth bearing that in mind.  Frequent small feeds is one of the things that put me onto dd2's reflux. Have you tried keeping her a bit more upright while you feed her, or do her latch issues make that more difficult?  Another thing you could try is feeding, keeping her upright for 10-15 minutes and then feeding her again - that might work to get her to take a bit more and maybe last longer between feeds.

Having said that, ds went through a gs at about 3 weeks, so it could be as simple as that. I would give it 2-3 days of responding to what she demands and see how it is. If it is a gs then it should be over by that time, and if it is not then you can look at other possibilities.