Author Topic: 16 month old not sleeping through the night yet....we are a little lost now!!!  (Read 6609 times)

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Walk in walk out really does focus on knowing the different cries, and yes you would only respond if he sounds like he truly needs you.  All other cries or sounds you would leave him to work it out himself.  It does seem confusing and often people think it is the same as CIO, but it's not because you would never leave him to cry if he were distressed.  Success really does depend on knowing the different cries though.  If he is really upset then you would comfort as necessary.  *Technically* you do this with him still in the crib and with as little contact as possible, but TBH I think you have to do what works for you and him, so if that includes picking him up briefly, or sshing and patting, or rubbing his back, that is fine.  Whatever he responds to.

I have no experience with LOs sharing a room, so I'm not sure if you can do it while they are both in the same room, but I'm sure that some parents do sleep train one LO in the same room as another.

The most important thing is whatever plan you choose, you follow through.  So pick which room you will sleep train in (yours or DD's), pick which method you will use (GW or WIWO), and make sure that from that point you are consistent.  You can't stick to your plan one night but then DH lets him in bed the next, it sends mixed messages.  Sometimes DH's need a little talking to first so you are on the same page!  ;)
Mama to
Mr. Personality 2008
Mr. Mischievious 2010
Little Miss Blue Eyes 2012

Offline Barbie_5

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That might be partly where I have gone wrong......I thought just leaving them to cry was cio, whereas in the past when I have tried this (both with this child and his older sisters) I have always gone in when I felt they were upset.  Its quite hard when you have older children and things were done differently and you have to try something different!!  Turns out walk in/walk out is what i have done in the past as opposed to cio!!  Im so glad I have come on here....I have been afraid to do walk in/walk out thinking it was the wrong thing!!  All of my girls shared a room.  But I made the transition a lot sooner as they were all good sleepers/teethers.  Thank you for answering my questions....I dont feel so lost anymore!!!  :)

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He will get there too. Good luck, keep us posted! :)
Mama to
Mr. Personality 2008
Mr. Mischievious 2010
Little Miss Blue Eyes 2012

Offline Barbie_5

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Hmmmm....last night he was only up twice and resettled in minutes.  I did have to settle him though and he did fight me a bit, but it only took a couple of minutes.

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Where did he sleep last night?
Mama to
Mr. Personality 2008
Mr. Mischievious 2010
Little Miss Blue Eyes 2012

Offline Barbie_5

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He slept in our room!!  But he is improving. He's only been up a couple of times a night and not fussing for over an hour which was the hardest part. I checked with the dr and she's adjusted his dose of Pamol.  Miss 3.5 has been unwell for a few days and now she's quite unwell so now isnt the time to disturb her anymore than we need to.  On the plus side though we have set up the airbed in her room (I was going to sleep in it while she's unwell) and she loves it so when we need to put her in it in our room it shouldnt be an issue!!

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Any progress is good!  What is Pamol for? (I am not familiar with that one)
Hope things keep improving!!  :)
Mama to
Mr. Personality 2008
Mr. Mischievious 2010
Little Miss Blue Eyes 2012

Offline Barbie_5

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Pamol is for pain for his teething.  He's cut 2 molars in the last 10 days. Last night was my first night back in our room and Isaac was only up twice which is good.  He did fight me for a couple of minutes but I won!!  He did have a big hissy fit going to bed initially though and Im afraid Im so tired and have pmt so I dealt with it poorly.  I tried to resettle him and he didnt want to be comforted so I put him in his cot and walked out for 5 minutes to calm down but when I went in he was unconsolable.  I had to get him up and try and reset the night....which we did.  It was one of my bad mummy moments!!  Gabrielle ended up in hospital for a couple of hours on Monday so now isnt out best time!  But we will keep chipping away at it....its better than it was.

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Oh, poor girl!  I hope she feels better soon.  And hopefully once DS is done with those molars you will find sleep training a bit easier.  :)
Mama to
Mr. Personality 2008
Mr. Mischievious 2010
Little Miss Blue Eyes 2012

Offline Barbie_5

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Normally his teeth take ages to come through but he's got 2 molars poking through this week which is good....but I was up to him heaps last night.  I think we need to reset ourselves as a family and follow through with a plan then.  If its ok I will keep coming in here though the support has been great?

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Of course it's ok!!  That's what we're here for.  :)
Mama to
Mr. Personality 2008
Mr. Mischievious 2010
Little Miss Blue Eyes 2012

Offline Barbie_5

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The wee angels cutting 2 teeth (he's bad enough with just one!) and the last 2 nights we've been up at least a dozen times!!  im feeling quite shattered today!

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(((hugs))), Teething is so hard!!  It's hard to come up with a plan because LOs are not predictable, and you can't do much but comfort when they are in pain.  At least it does end at some point, and in my experience it is relatively easy to get back on track once teeth are not involved.

My DS2 is teething too!  So he is very grumpy and his sleep is disturbed.  I wish they would hurry up, but I know we've still got awhile to go yet!  :P
Mama to
Mr. Personality 2008
Mr. Mischievious 2010
Little Miss Blue Eyes 2012

Offline Barbie_5

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Its me again!!  Just updating.  We shifted our wee man into his sisters room 3 days ago and the first 2 nights were ok but last night wasnt so flash.  The first aftennon sleep I slept in his sisters bed.  He played for about 15 minutes and explored his bed and then went to sleep.  The first night I put him to bed and sat on the floor till he was asleep and he was such a good boy.....sat up and looked at his sister and pointed to her and smiled and then lay down and went to sleep!!  He woke twice and I went in to him, cuddled him (still in his bed) and rubbed his back for a short time and left.  Last night however he woke 1st at 11.40 and I waited and he resettled but woke every 5 or so minutes till he got upset at 12.30 so i went into him.  I soothed him and sat on his floor next to the bed for 20 minutes till he was asleep.  I had to do this again at 3. DD woke at 4 coughing to I got up to her to give her cough medicine.  DS woke again at 4.40 and I was just exhausted so I asked dh to settle him.  DS was pretty upset and after trying for a minute or so to soothe him he climbed into bed with him!!  DH missed the memo about trying to soothe him with as little contact as possible!!  So I feel like I lost last night....but thats ok I won 2 nights!!  I also feel like Im the only one that will do the hard yards and if its to be fixed Im the only one that will do this normal??  I blimmin tired and want this sorted before I go away in 9 days (just for 3 nights) but it will be stressful and I dont want to come back to have even more work to do to settle our wee man!!  Holy I wrote a novel!!  lol

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I also feel like Im the only one that will do the hard yards and if its to be fixed Im the only one that will do this normal??
Ugh, unfortunately I think it is normal in many cases!  :P  My DH is well meaning but he will take the easy route for sure.  I tend to do all the work when it comes to our LOs and sleep.

Just keep trying to move in the right direction.  2 good nights is a good start!  Sorry if I don't have much helpful advice.  I think in 9 days you should be able to get him sleeping fairly well.  Is he teething?
Mama to
Mr. Personality 2008
Mr. Mischievious 2010
Little Miss Blue Eyes 2012