My 8 wks old is normally a very good eater. He's FF via bottle and takes between 4-5 oz/feed. However for the past couple of days he's starting crying about halfway through a feed. It doesn't happen every time, but it is becoming more frequent. Usually I'll try to burp him and occasionally this helps. Other times he just keeps crying and won't eat anymore. If I stop for a while and do something else like a bath or nappy change and then try to feed him again, he'll happily eat. When he cries. it doesn't seem like wind but I've tried giving him gripe water and after he burps, he still cries when I try to continue the feed. He very rarely spits up and hasn't had any of the other signs of reflux, but I have noticed a his burps are more wet then normal.
Reflux? Or should I try a different teat? I've been using the same bottles since he was born.