Author Topic: 10 week old still feeding tiny amounts most of the time  (Read 1520 times)

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10 week old still feeding tiny amounts most of the time
« on: August 06, 2011, 19:40:46 pm »
Hi, can anyone help?!  I've just bought the baby whisperer book and haven't yet read it all, I've just got the general gist at the moment.  My little boy is big for his age, he was born 8lb 9oz, and ever since has been on the 91st percentile line.  He's around 14lbs now.  Our problem is he snacks and catnaps.  Most of his bottles are only 2 or 3 ounces(60-90mls), we make up 5 ounce (150ml) bottles as occasionally he will take 4 or 5 ounces (120-150ml).  When he stops feeding there is no way we can get the bottle back in his mouth, he presses his lips together and if we manage to get through his lips, he jams his gums together - quite comical to see actually!  The idea of a dreamfeed is out of the question.  Because of the way he feeds, he doesn't sleep long, usually only 1 and half to 3 hours.  Between the hours of 11pm and 5am I feed him 3 times then my boyfriend takes him downstairs at 5am and gives me a couple of hours undisturbed sleep. 
Can anyone suggest anything?  I feel all our problems would be solved if he just started taking more milk. 
In addition, our daytime routine is non-existent.  Feeding and sleeping totally random from one day to the next.  Today I've started to keep a record of EAS but I'm sure there's no pattern.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

Offline rugbykaf

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Re: 10 week old still feeding tiny amounts most of the time
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2011, 20:24:03 pm »
How often is he feeding during the day?

Offline Dench

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Re: 10 week old still feeding tiny amounts most of the time
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2011, 20:37:07 pm »
Well there isn't much of a pattern, it varies so much, I've just started keeping a record from 9am this morning.  So far:
1150   140ml/5oz (this amount is so rare, we're always shocked when he takes this much)
1450   60ml/2oz
1630   70ml/2oz
1830   90ml/3oz
That's it so far.  This will be his longest sleep, he'll probably feed again at about 2230.
I can't stress enough that he doesn't have a pattern durning the day, he is a little more predictable from 7pm till 5am. 
I just think for his age and size he should be taking a larger amount at each feed.  He's obviously thriving and doesn't have a problem with weight gain, so he's doing something right, it's just not right for us, we're exhausted!
Your twins are gorgeous x

Offline Dench

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Re: 10 week old still feeding tiny amounts most of the time
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2011, 20:40:33 pm »
Oh I missed off that he had a small top up at 1930 of 20ml/less than 1ounce!!

Offline rugbykaf

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Re: 10 week old still feeding tiny amounts most of the time
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2011, 20:58:05 pm »

Thank you :-) . . .

Hmmm he's an interesting one isn't he?!  You'd think that as he went about 3 hours after the 5oz feed he would be hungry enough again to take more than 2oz. 

Is he really desperate to feed?  Could you try to make him last a bit longer in between to see if he takes more?
What if you change his nappy in the middle of the feed?

Are there any signs of the feed causing discomfort?  Is this why he is stopping?

Maybe he'll just settle into taking more as he gets older (not the most helpful comment I know)!

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Re: 10 week old still feeding tiny amounts most of the time
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2011, 21:00:51 pm »
What flow teat are you using? Have you tried a faster one?

Is he feeding just before he goes for a nap - is he using the bottle to settle?


Offline Dench

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Re: 10 week old still feeding tiny amounts most of the time
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2011, 21:24:43 pm »
Thanks for your replies.
I've tried the faster flow teats for about 4 weeks and he was very sloppy and windy with them, but didn't take more milk anyway.  I've been back on the slow flow ones for a couple of weeks and he's much better, no more wind and I hardly need to use a bib.  There seems to be no discomfort when he feeds, other than the odd bit of wind here and there.  He just seems to fill up quickly.  Also, even with the slow teats he drinks fast.  The 5oz bottle was gone in about 10 mins, I see other babies seem much slower than this. 
I've tried to make him go longer by giving some water or a dummy and through the night a dummy works really well, but when he feeds he still doesn't take much.  I thought maybe is little tummy wasn't holding a lot, but once, and only once, he drank a 6oz bottle and none of it came back up - so his belly is big enough!
He guzzles the first few mouthfuls like he is starving then slows down and just stops, sometimes he falls asleep but not always, he just seems to be satisfied.  I have changed his nappy then tried again and most of the time he's not interested.  When he gets sleepy he sometimes does use it to nod off (that's what happened at 1930 when he had a tiny top up).
I'd be interested to know what everyone thinks.  I'll check in again tomorrow as he's waking up :)

Offline rugbykaf

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Re: 10 week old still feeding tiny amounts most of the time
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2011, 21:31:15 pm »
I'd be interested to know how he compares to a BF baby . . . maybe you could post on there and see what people think?