Author Topic: Am I feeding them enough?  (Read 1169 times)

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Offline rugbykaf

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Am I feeding them enough?
« on: August 06, 2011, 20:17:17 pm »
Probably worrying over nothing but would just like to check . . .

My DS's are 14 weeks old.  I dropped the dream a few weeks ago as it didn't seem to make any difference to the time they woke for a feed at night.  A week ago they started sleeping through 7pm til 6am . . . .great!!!  However, they are only on 4 feeds a day now!  They are FF and always take 7 or 8oz at each feed.  Is this enough?  they are 12lb9 and 13lb5.  How do they compare to other babies of similar size/age?

Obviously a week is not long enough to see if it is affecting their weight/growth.  But I'd hate to think I was under feeding them.  They are pretty much textbook/angel babies (lucky I know), so don't really cry for feeds :-/

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Re: Am I feeding them enough?
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2011, 20:24:17 pm »
If you are happy that they are having plenty of wet and and dirty nappies, that they are alert when awake and seem content then they are taking what they need! Keep an eye on their weight, but if you are following their cues (even on a routine) and feeding when they tell you they are hungry then it's fine. If they were hungry they would wake for a feed overnight too.

Babies are very good at self regulating and they are taking 28-32oz ish a day which is a pretty average amount really. My two refluxers very rarely took more than 25oz a day and stuck to their growth curves and developed just fine. DD is particular stuck to the 91st centile taking less formula than "they" thought she should ;).



Offline rugbykaf

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Re: Am I feeding them enough?
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2011, 20:44:16 pm »
Thanks Lolly,

Yes they're on a routine but not strict 4 hourly . . . they will never go more than 3.5 hours between the 1st and 2nd feed of the day but are quite happy to wait 4 hours for the afternoon feeds (faster metabolism in the morning . . .?).  So I'm pretty sure I'm responding to their needs, it's just when people exclaim at only 4 feeds a day . . . these same people are also against any idea of a routine!  But they don't have twins!

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Re: Am I feeding them enough?
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2011, 23:01:38 pm »
I'm with Laura - babies know what they need :)  They will start waking at night if hungry at that age!

The only other clue is draining bottles... if they are draining all bottles all the time, you would want to increase frequency or volume :)

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Re: Am I feeding them enough?
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2011, 00:24:54 am »
our LOs were on 4 feeds a day by that age as well, taking about 8 oz per feed .... i think you are doing great!!  they look perfect (and mine were doing that same sleeping stint by then too - i think the formula, the 4-hourly feeds, and the structure that inevitably comes with twins were all big factors in that.  if it helps you, mine still sleep 12 hours at night and they are 4.5 years old now!!!!!! 

welcome to the boards, your guys look beautiful!  good job!!!!!!