Author Topic: 19 month old waking earlier and earlier  (Read 1797 times)

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Offline Huds Mom

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19 month old waking earlier and earlier
« on: August 07, 2011, 10:26:06 am »
Hi everyone, I am hoping someone may have some advice.

My DS, who is now 19mons has always been a early riser (it started with the 3-2 nap transition and never got better so we just adjusted our lifestyle as he goes to bed around 7pm so I go to bed as early as I can too). He has also never needed anymore than 9.5-10hrs sleep a night no matter what we tried (CIO, WI/WO, W2S). He sleeps great through the night unless he is teething but for the most part we dont hear a peep out of him. Slowly over the last few months he has pushed his bed time out to 7:15-7:20pm and we were getting closer to 10hrs or a bit more. This last week he has regressed and is back to 4am wake-up's but will not go to bed earlier so we are worried as he is getting 8-9hrs sleep and although he wakes happy this seems too little. He always seems like he is teething but I dont think this is it since he wakes happy.

As far as naps go, he is at day care and they ahve mandiotry naps from 11:45-1:45 so I cant really do much about his day.except for weekends.

Any advice or help would be great. Thank you!

Offline sianie

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Re: 19 month old waking earlier and earlier
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2011, 10:46:47 am »
Hi!  :)

So it sounds like he's generally low sleep needs?

Does he nap the whole 2 hrs at daycare (is he there all week?)

Has he got his canines through yet? I only mention it as my DS is the same age & he has his canines through at the moment & they have thrown his sleep again (NW's & EW's).

Offline Huds Mom

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Re: 19 month old waking earlier and earlier
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2011, 13:34:46 pm »
Hi Sian, thanks so much for your reply, it has been so long since I have been on here with work and everything it is so nice to know there is such great moms out there willing to help!

He does nap the whole two hours at day care (or at least that is what they tell me - there are 15 kids in the room so sometimes I wonder how accruate they are).

I think canines are his teeth beside his front ones right? If so he has the top but not the bottom. He has a few molars now too but the typical signs of teething are not there right now.


Offline sianie

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Re: 19 month old waking earlier and earlier
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2011, 16:57:49 pm »
I thought I hadn't 'seen' you around on the birth clubc but good to see you back!  :)

Yes, the canines are the teeth either side of the top & bottom front 2. If he has the bottom ones still to come through then they could be causing a bit of the issue. You could try giving meds before BT just to see if this eases things?

When he wakes in the AM is he crying/happy etc?


Offline Huds Mom

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Re: 19 month old waking earlier and earlier
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2011, 23:22:10 pm »
Hi Sian, he cries for a minute when he wakes (does this all the time for naps too) and then starts talking, mommmy, daddy up up etc. We have tried leaving him but after a few mins starts to whale. We have tried CIO at that point too. I hate to admit but I am a liberal user of meds before bed.

I dont see the bottom ones coming in but you never know. Teething can be tricky and he has been really sensitive to it.

I may just a have to wait this one out but I get so worried when I read about sleep deprived babies and the amt of sleep he is getting now is not uncommon for his age but usually only a small percentage of toddlers sleep this little. I just read one book that said with this small amount of sleep he is getting now will likely mean he is fat when he is older. I laughed cause it was an older book and no one says "fat" anymore but in all seriousness i dont want this to be the cause of obesity or hyper activity, so i worry.

Offline sianie

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Re: 19 month old waking earlier and earlier
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2011, 09:19:42 am »
I dont see the bottom ones coming in but you never know. Teething can be tricky and he has been really sensitive to it.

The bottom 2 shouldn't be far behind! Have you tried doing a meds dream feed? This is working really well for E.

How many times did you try CIO? As you know this isn't supported on BW.

How many hours is he sleeping in a 24hr period at the moment?

Offline Huds Mom

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Re: 19 month old waking earlier and earlier
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2011, 10:13:01 am »
Hi Sian, he is sleeping 11hrs total, which I know isnt impossible for his age, but still so low.

I have done dream med feeds when he is teething. As for CIO i only did it twice and for 15mins max. I didnt have it in me to do it much longer than that.

I read in a book that although when they are younger staying up later doesnt help but this book suggested I keep him up extra late one night and then slowly bring him back over the next few nights. I am skeptical as he is really sensitive to overtiredness. We are on vacation next week and going to a place that is 3hrs behind us, so maybe that will be the ticket!

Offline sianie

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Re: 19 month old waking earlier and earlier
« Reply #7 on: August 09, 2011, 11:32:29 am »
I read in a book that although when they are younger staying up later doesnt help but this book suggested I keep him up extra late one night and then slowly bring him back over the next few nights. I am skeptical as he is really sensitive to overtiredness.

I would be too! It has been proven that most young children to best on a BT between 7-8pm. I do think that keeping him up late will just create more OT issues.

Offline jackman

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Re: 19 month old waking earlier and earlier
« Reply #8 on: August 09, 2011, 16:26:53 pm »
Hi Carrie!
Long time since we saw you on the boards. So happy to hear from you, although not for a good reason.

HUGS to you for the troubles you are experiencing. Sian is giving you great advice as always! ;-) All I can say is that teething was a complete nightmare for us. It lasted for 6mo and J got his molars and canines all at the same time, which took forever to break through. Unfortunately all we could do was wait things out.

I just wanted to give you some support.  :-* :-*

