I gave Levi a DF at 10.30pm and he took about 100mls and is a slooooow feeder, took about 30-40mins to feed... I was up until midnight with him not settling, I thought it was wind so I kept trying to get him to burp, he makes wind type noises but he just wouldnt settle afterwards, I cant even remember what I did to get him to fall asleep in the end but he was then up again at 2.30am and so I fed him again and the same thing happened. then he woke at 5.30am and I just kept giving him the dummy at this point cos I was so tired, finally gave in and fed him at 6.30am
Should I continue to try the DF again if its going to cause this much trouble? he woke up as much as he usually does for feeds but it doesnt usually take that long to get him back to sleep, he usually just falls asleep at the bottle in the night and stays asleep.
Tonight his last feed was at 7pm and he seems very unsettled in his sleep already, Ive had to give him the dummy about an hour afterwards as he woke up again crying. he does still keep making wind noises, the high pitched little squeal, the heavy fast breathing every now and then, the squirming and moving head back and forth
What do you think?