Author Topic: Can you dream feed more than once?  (Read 1760 times)

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Can you dream feed more than once?
« on: August 08, 2011, 11:46:52 am »
My LO gets wind v bad, can I dream feed more than once as when he dream feeds he does not get windy he drinks really gently?

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Re: Can you dream feed more than once?
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2011, 12:39:45 pm »
What times would you be looking at doing the 2 DFs? The only trouble with doing another DF later in the night is that you will be letting him get used to having more calories overnight than he may need and you would find the feed more difficult to get rid of because you will have "taught" him to be hungry at that time.

What have you tried for the wind? Does he have any other issues like reflux?


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Re: Can you dream feed more than once?
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2011, 09:33:30 am »
I agree you are right about more than one dream feed in the night will re think that.
For the wind we have infracol and gripe water at the moment. LO just doesn't seem to burp no matter what we do and then later is in a lot of pain with wind at other end and needs to do lots of trumps but can't and is straining and screaming. Yesterday we put him in the bath twice to try to help him with this, it does make him trump but was still bad. He starts with it at tea time and it carries on intermittantly until middle of the night. He often hardly drinks anything or a feed can take an hour or so. Sometimes he just screams inbetween sucking and when we try to take bottle away as think he doesn't want to drink he grabs it to put it back other times he pushes it out.
Our EASY is all messed up because of it. We still doing EAS then Y never great but the E is not always at the same time each day and sometimes having been so upset he sleeps for longer and I haven't the heart to wake him for a feed. Was on 7 feeds a day with 3ish hours between but now sometimes 3 hours and sometimes 4 hours and sometimes 2 and a half if he didn't drink much because of the wind. He is 7 weeks but was 4 weeks prem, how much longer will it be like this?