the last 3 months have been such a struggle! i have dealt with so much spit up, been misdiagnosed, tried so many different formulas! FINALLY I got a new pediatrician, he actually listened to what we are dealing with. told us to get off of zantac because he said we could fix everything without meds, well he was right! DD is 3 1/2 months and takes between 4 1/2 - 5 ounces. Her doctor recommended we add one full scoop of rice cereal to her bottles so it can thicken it up and she wont spit up as much. It has completely worked, sometimes we have a little spit up but its the amount that a normal baby has. so all this sounds great, unfortunately I cant figure out what size nipple she needs! we are using the dr browns bottles. before we added the cereal she was at level 2. so we tried level 3's, well sometimes i feel like she is really trying hard to get something so i bought the Y's. well now it comes so fast that she seems to struggle, she makes this spitting sound and formula comes up flying at me haha. i feel like she is in between sizes. sometimes the 3's are fine and sometimes the y's are fine.
any advice?