I also want to 'get rid' or move My LO 5-6am wake / feed. The day just starts too early! Sometimes he doesnt even want to be fed at 5, he just wakes. I try an leave him as long as I can before going in his room. His routine is:
5-6am wake and bottle.
7-8am nap for about 40 mins
9ish - feed then play on gym
10ish - sleep for about 1.5 hours
12 feed
2 nap
3 feed
5 power nap
6 bottle, bath, bed and sleep by 7
10 dream feed
5am - groundhog day!
It's so hard being a mum, I found the first 3 months relentless! It's my first baby and he's 14 weeks now and things are settling down, but it's still tough.