Author Topic: what type of bottle for my 8 week old  (Read 2672 times)

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Offline makka

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what type of bottle for my 8 week old
« on: August 11, 2011, 07:22:49 am »
my lo is 8 weeks old and has been bottle fed for over a week now after weaning off the breast. He has been fine up until this week, but i have noticed that when he sucks on the bottle he makes a clicking noise with his tongue due to attachment so take off and try again but its every feed. I think he has a tongue with the skin underneath being short so not a long tongue when he pokes it out IYKWIM? i think its like tongue tied?

i have heard dr browns, or NUK can anyone suggest any? im finding he is not settling at all for naps for some reason he does bring up lots of wind during feeding and takes full feeds, and has regular bowel movements and lots of wet nappies

 thanks kirsten


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Re: what type of bottle for my 8 week old
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2011, 07:30:51 am »
What bottle type are you using now? If he's having trouble with that type then maybe look for something with a longer teat or a shorter teat. Both my kids are tongue tied but they haven't had any problem with teats and I've used a variety! Depending on which bottle you use it may be worth trying a vari-flow teat, the baby controls the flow by how hard they suck and are often better for babies who have been breastfed for a while.

DS did well with Dr Brown's, they really help with wind and they are quite long teats. With DD we started with Tommee Tippee closer to nature bottles which are supposed to mimic breastfeeding because the can pull the teat out a bit, they do an anti-colic system too which works like Dr Brown's. Both eventually ended up on Avent bottles as we found their vari-flow and no4 teats to be the best for their slightly thicker reflux formula.

Ultimately though there is no "best" for a situation as babies are all so different, you may need to try a variety to see which is best for your LO.


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Re: what type of bottle for my 8 week old
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2011, 07:35:58 am »
HI Laura

we are using the tommy tippiee closer to nature one the varie flow one and its horrible and he is not feeding well with it. as it makes this clicking noise when he feeds and is not flowing when he drinks... I will try the dr browns one as im online now looking at buying it.

is it the dr browns narrow neck one? and are they in the glass bottles or standard ones with level 1 teats? cos there are so many that i can see now online. if you c an let me know which one that would be great

thanks kirsten


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Re: what type of bottle for my 8 week old
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2011, 09:19:59 am »
The ones we had were wide necked plastic bottles and they come with stage 1 teats but you can also buy stage 2, 3 and a Y cut for thicker feeds. I *think* the plastic ones will all be the safe plastic now. I've never had glass bottles so can't comment on those!


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Re: what type of bottle for my 8 week old
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2011, 22:56:29 pm »
I had the exact same issue with DD around the 3 week mark - poor muffin was so windy!

I tried a few and ended up with the Avent as well.  Found that the teat was a little more "stiff" almost and allowed her to latch on without getting the clicking that we got with softer teats - like the ones on Playtex/Dr Browns bottles.