I think she is probably not taking much at her day bottles because of the solids. Until you get the night wakings sorted out why don't you change the bottles back to before solids to see if you can increase her intake. They still need milk as their primary source of nutrition until a year so if she isn't taking much in the way of solids it isn't a big deal.
I would do milk first at wake up then breakfast an hour later, do bottle where you do lunch then lunch at 12.30. Her 3.30 bottle is fine, then a bottle the very last thing before sleep, if you make tea at 4.30 if possible it gives her longer to get hungry again for her bedtime bottle.
I would keep the first night bottle for now, which would be at dreamfeed time but if she wakes before 4 hours after her last feed try and resettle first. With the next bottle if you can't resettle feed, but work on dropping that bottle by reducing the oz by 1oz every 3 nights (and again make sure it's at least 4 hours from the last bottle). When that bottle gets down to a couple of oz just offer water if she wakes and resettle. You will need to be strong and you will have some tough nights especially when it gets to the water stage but she will adapt.
With the 4.45 - 6.30 bottle I would resettle if the waking is before 6am (but you may not be able to for long) but anything after 6am I treated as wake up time, got them up and bottle fed them. If she is going to bed at 6pm then a 6am wake up isn't really an early wake up as it has been 12 hours since bedtime. If you can get more calories in her during the day and better nights you should be able to push bedtime back and eventually get a later wake up.
What do you think?