Author Topic: 10 wk old going thru night but 2 hrs in the day???  (Read 823 times)

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10 wk old going thru night but 2 hrs in the day???
« on: August 14, 2011, 21:27:34 pm »
Hi i just wanted to get your advice, my LO is 10wks and weighed 12lb 9oz 2 weeks ago, he has always fed really well, he was bf until 8wks, and now ive gone to formula, which he has taken to very well.

I have generally followed 'easy' since birth and have been going great.

Our 3hr easy has been 7am, 10, 1, 4, cluster feed 6.30(half feed usually, sometimes nothing) 7.30 and bed , df 10.30.
He started going through till about 4am for his nf and had been doing this for a few wks.
He took 3-4oz every feed.

Last tuesday he woke at 2.30am and i thought this was too early for needing a feed so i ignored him-he wasn't crying, just moaning and grunting-and less than 10 mins later he went back to sleep until 6.30!!
The next night when he woke at 3.45am i ignored him again-just grunting and moaning-and again he went back to sleep, he woke again 5am, grunted, and went back to sleep until 7.30!!
Every night has been like that since, waking a couple of time in the night, grunting for a few minutes and going back off until 6-7.30am.
Is this ok, should i be feeding him in the night still, does he wake in the night because hes hungry?????

This night 'routine' has been going on for almost a wk now and ive noticed he is feeding much more often in the day, sometimes only going 2hrs, but usually 2.5hrs. Ive increased his feeds to 5oz, sometimes he has it all and sometimes not.

His activity time is 1hr-1.5hrs and sleep is also 1-1.5hr, so he sleeps for a bit less than he used to (used to sleep upto 2hrs +)
He has become OT tired on the odd occasion but i wouldn't say he seems generally OT at all.

What should i do, should go back to night feeds and 3hr easy?

Offline Lolly

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Re: 10 wk old going thru night but 2 hrs in the day???
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2011, 07:05:59 am »
If he doesn't settle quickly at night then I would feed him, a hungry baby won't resettle to sleep! He is probably feeding more often in the day to make up for the missing nightfeed - that's not a bad thing, I wish mine had slept like that at 10 weeks!

His feed amounts are quite small still so have you tried bigger feeds and/or a faster teat? If you can up his feeds to 5oz or even 6oz he should go back to a 3 hour EASY.

There is a big growth spurt at around 12 weeks too, so he may be having that early or he could start needing a nightfeed again in the next few weeks.
