Thanks so much for your support Sian, really appreciate it, I am just rubbish at sleep training. So... today I put her down for her nap and her BT awake and she stood up straight away. I just sat on the floor next to the cot and didn't interact. If she lay down I rubbed her back but then stopped if she stood up, not sure I should have rubbed her back, I don't normally do this when she falls asleep, but I do for NW if she can't settle herself. Anyway for her nap she stood up for about 40 mins non-stop and then she gave up, lay down and fell asleep, so took 45 mins all in all, no crying at all! Then BT was a bit more tricky, it took about 55 mins but she kept lying down, getting up again, lying down, getting up and so on. She also kept dropping her dummy on to me and throwing her lovey out of the cot and crying for it!
So I just picked it up and put it back in the cot, no interaction and she did eventually get bored and fell asleep very quickly once she finally gave in. I tried to rub her back but she moved my hand off her as if to say "I am NOT talking to you leave me alone!" lol. There was some crying but certainly not an 'I need you now cry' more of a grizzle and she stopped as soon as I shushed her. So not too bad I guess for a first day, just hope it doesn't get harder as we carry on.
Just a quick question... if DD should get into a rage cry, which is a really angry, hysterical, bang head on the cot type of meltdown, what do I do?! I really hope this won't happen, but has done before and I end up giving in because the cry is soooo awful. I know I can't PU as this makes her even more hysterical anyway, but I don't think shushing or our sleepy phrase will calm her. Can I stand up and rub her back/pat her ect at this point or not?