My 2 1/2 yo girl is driving me crazy with her eating- or lack of it.
She was a really good eater until 18 months or so and then she has been picky off and on until now. Now she has decided that she just doesn't need to eat anything. Mealtimes take forever. We don't force her to eat and make her get down from the table when she starts playing. She'll walk away and come back several times, but not really eat. She will play with her fork, her cup, sing, talk incessantly...but no eating. Even breakfast, which was the easiest meal before, is now a battle. Dinner has always been a challenge for her. She's even refusing her snacks.
I try to make meals creative, but she is even refusing her favorites. She will sometimes eat when we feed her, or if it is a meal like a hamburger or PBJ. She has always been a fantastic veggie eater, but even that it hard now.
It is important to us for her to have good table manners, but all she wants to do is play.
We are expecting a baby in a couple of weeks, but I really don't think it's related. This has been going on for some time now and has just gotten worse this past week. I am not going to have time to sit with her for 30 min to eat a meal soon, but I want to make sure she is getting the nutrition she needs.
Any suggestions?