Hi ladies,
DS is now at 10.5 h night and 2 h nap. I think that it is working quite well and that it's a good compromise for us. He seems fine with that, he's generally happy with this sleep. I am a little bit concerned by the fact that those seem to be relatively short nights, as they should ideally be longer at 21 months (even if I must say that DS sleep has been always on the lower side, even more than now). Probably I should try to cap the nap at 1.5 h and see if nights become longer, but I'm afraid to change an equilibrium that he's working for us and introduce OT... When he sleeps less than 2 hours, he's very cranky in the evening and prone to tantrum. What do you think?
Consmummy, I can't believe that harder years have to come and that 3-4 is worse than 2! I'm scared!
Sabs, I find toddler years quite difficult, but ... if I go back to the early days, when we did not have an entire night, we had multiple, and sometime very long, NWs, and during the day DS did not sleep after the 45 min mark when he napped... no, I prefer living in toddlerhood!