Thanks for the titles of the books Sabs! In the past months I started "inconditional parenting" and a "love and logic" book, but they both seemed to me somehow quite "extreme" in a opposite way. I did not finished them yet. Actually, I'm a fan of "rules" and of the fact that there are things not negotiable, and I found that this pays a lot in the long term. But I also think that there are situations in which rigidity is not the best and more useful option. It depends from the situation. And from the age.
F will be 2 in three months, and TO is not really an option with him, he can't understand it quite well. But I found that taking him up, speaking to him, and explaining things usually works and calms him down. Not always however, especially in this period.
And yes, this period is all for daddy, he always wants him to do things. I don't complain, it means I have a break!

And these are phases anyway, he always passes from mummy phases to daddy phases.