Our little guy has been sleeping wonderfully all summer. Despite the heat, travel locations, later bedtimes, later wake ups, he's been doing great.
Suddenly this past week, he's up at night wanting me and not settling back to sleep. If he settles, he's back up after an hour calling for me again. He usually stays to sleep and rests well.
Here's our schedule. We moved everything an hour later this summer as we were traveling and the flow just moved later. When the Fall comes we will wake him earlier and start again on an earlier bedtime:
8am Wake Up
8:30/9am Breakfast
12pm Lunch
2pm Nap
4pm Wake Up
5:30/6pm Dinner
7:30pm Bath/PJs...if bath night
8:30pm Bedtime...usually asleep by 8:45pm.
Night wakings may be due to teething, heat, separation??
Thanks again