Hello Nicola!
You could try the muffins recipe that Sara gave me once, it's delicious my DD loves it! You can make it with baby's granola or with natural oatmeal. I prefer oatmeal since it's easier to find. Here it is:
1 cup of oatmeal flakes
1 cup of apple puree (peel and cut 1 1/2 apple, steam for 5min and then puree)
1/2 banana (smashed)
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 cup apple juice (I think you can substitute for any natural juice)
1/2 cup flour
1/4 cup baby's cereal (I used rice cereal)
1/4 cup brown sugar (you can use less since all the fruits on it are very sweet)
Preheat oven at 375F. Mix oatmeal, apple sauce, apple juice, banana and oil. In separate bowl combine all dry ingredients and then mix all together. Put in special muffins pan, bake for 10-12 minutes.
Hope C likes it!!