Author Topic: 2.5yrs Waking at night again :o  (Read 983 times)

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Offline LinziB

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2.5yrs Waking at night again :o
« on: August 29, 2011, 11:46:38 am »
Hi Ladies,

I am back :(  Recently my 2yr old starting waking at night again. She has never been a easy sleeper but has an easy personality so with BW and keeping on schedule she has slept through on and off most of her short life :)

Recently we sold our house and moved into my parents house while in the process of purchasing and renovating our new home. Since the move she has stopped sleeping through and is also not going to sleep easily at bedtime. As she has been potty trained since around 18m she sometimes asks to continuously go to the toilet using this as a delay tactic. She was dry at night but her waking up to go to the toilet 5times a night was driving me crazy so I have discouraged it and she now might wake and asked to go once in the night otehrwise not at all, I think this might have been the cause and start of the NW (my fault as I forgot to put nappy on once or twice so she wet the bed and obviously didn't like it). We usually take her to the before bed and then once if she is in bed and asks to go but then refuse thereafter as I said before this is totally a delay tactic for her she even uses it constantly when we go shopping  ::). We do not have to sit with her till she falls asleep but have to do WI/WO on and off as she keeps calling out to us until she eventually falls asleep. She then wakes at night calling out to me and if I don't go eventually crying - this can sometimes be 5 times a night. Normally just needs to be tucked in again or has dropped her lovey or something, maybe just to check I'm still around. Some nigth though she is awake and takes quite some time to fall back to sleep  :o and other nights she has a meltdown to come into our bed which we have never really allowed.  She has now also started waking earlier to come into our bed around 6am and then falls back to sleep till around 7 or even after that while we have to get up and try and go to work in the morning.

I need a plan to get everything back on track. I half things she's old enough to let her CIO a bit as she understands and knows what she is doing and also understands that we are still there and haven't abandoned her during the night. She's even lucid enough at night to know who put her to bed if we've gone out and someone is babysitting she will call for them in the night and not us. Please help??

Her current EASY is:

Awake: 7:00am (most mornings)
Eat: 7:30 and then again at 8:30 (eats cereal/porridge at home sometimes and then eats porridge at school again)
Eat: 9:30 Lunch Box snack and Juice (Yogurt, Fruit, Sandwiches, Cheese etc.)
Eat: 11:30 dinner at school (Veggies and Meat, Fish, Pasta etc.) and Tea Bottle
Sleep: 12:00 - 2:00pm (at school, weekends she sometimes goes down a bit later and sleeps a bit longer)

Awake: 2pm
Eat: 2:30pm Lunch Box Snack (Left over from 9:30 Lunch Box Snack)
Eat: 3:30 Sandwiches and Juice
Eat: 4:30 Biscuit and Juice

Eat: 6:00pm Yogurt and Fruit sometimes more dinner/pasta anything really
Bath: 7:00pm
Bedtime: 8:00pm (Sometimes asleep right away, othertimes asleep only by 9:00pm)

Her windown at present usually consists of a bit of t.v while we do DD1's homework and then they both watch a bit longer once DD1 is finished then they brush teeth and go off to bed at the same time. Tuck into bed with remainder of bottle and Lovey. Nightime music on and lights off, door closed and then hopefully to sleep.

I know staying in my parents house there is alot more activity going on as my parents live in a flat on the side of the house so all the kids are together in the afternoon in our house and then we don't really break away from that and go home to our night time routine as I get home and just take over from my mom but things are alot more manic with people in and out and not very clam and quite.

Anyway thats it for now. Hopefully someone can help or maybe adjust schedule slightly (school is fixed though) to allow better bedtime and STTN please.

Offline sianie

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Re: 2.5yrs Waking at night again :o
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2011, 20:13:01 pm »
Hi there...

It it quite common for LO's sleep to go a little wonky at around 2yrs old, for a number of reason's; developmental leaps (physical & mental) as well as sleep needs changing & 2nd yr molars coming through.

It could well be that the change of environment has disrupted her routine as 2yr olds are a lot more aware of what's going on around them & more sensitive to changes.

Does she have all her teeth through yet?

Are you getting any NW's at all?

With my DD we started capping her nap at 1.5hrs at around 2yrs old as we started getting BT resistance & shorter nights. Do you think she could be in a UT/OT loop?

I certainly wouldn't let her CIO as if you have been using BW then you will know that Tracy was very much against letting LO's to CIO as it can end up creating more issues than it solves.


Offline LinziB

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Re: 2.5yrs Waking at night again :o
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2011, 13:46:43 pm »
Hi Sianie,

Thanks for the response  :)  I am sure developmental leaps and changes in her environment are responsible for her sleep disruptions. I am not sure about teeth as its a bit difficult to see (or feel ;) ) in her mouth but she had most of her teeth quite a while ago already and got them all fairly young without too much hassle.

We are having 3 - 5 NW per night. Absolute minimum of 1 NW per night and also EW where she's come into our bed around 5:30am and then fall back to sleep again till 7 or 7:30am.

I'm just trying to come up with a plan to get bedtimes back on schedule (without an hour of WI/WO) and to get her back to self settling in the night at STTN again! I know she can do it as she has done if for months at a time in the past.

Any suggestions?

Offline sianie

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Re: 2.5yrs Waking at night again :o
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2011, 18:05:33 pm »
I am sure developmental leaps and changes in her environment are responsible for her sleep disruptions

If it's this causing the issues then it's a phase that will pass, the key is to be as consistent as possible with whatever method you use to get her back on track. Unfortunately, no sleep training method delivers quick results & whether you decide to use GW or WI/WO you will need to commit to doing it, even if the the first few nights are time consuming & tough. It will be worth it to get her back on track!

I wouldn't totally rule out teeth yet...if she hasn't got them all in (she should have 20 teeth)...I only mention this as my DD was never bothered by teething until her 2nd yr molars came through & then we got NW's & EW's similar to what you are describing.