Author Topic: Is it really a dairy intolerance??  (Read 11302 times)

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Re: Is it really a dairy intolerance??
« Reply #75 on: September 21, 2011, 18:08:03 pm »
She started on baby cereals but started refusing them after about a month of other veggies/fruits.  I used rice cereal to thicken on the rare occasion that I had to use something... I tend to mix things to avoid having to thicken ;)

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Re: Is it really a dairy intolerance??
« Reply #76 on: September 21, 2011, 18:09:26 pm »
Thats a good idea!! :)  Keep me posted on how she's doing!!

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Re: Is it really a dairy intolerance??
« Reply #77 on: September 21, 2011, 18:13:37 pm »
I will for sure... we had a small poop this morning without too much grunting and fanfare... hopefully the extra water is helping to keep things moving along!

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Re: Is it really a dairy intolerance??
« Reply #78 on: September 23, 2011, 15:22:26 pm »
Kara, we are now backed up too!!! :(  He had a horrible nights sleep and so did I.  I gave him 3 tsp of miralax yesterday too!!! I think its b/c I gave him something with bananas! :( So, this morning I went back to 2 tsp in his first bottle.  I ran out of RTF Good start too so I had to mix his bottles 1/2 and 1/2 with the powder.  I hope it doesnt make it worse. 

Also, I am having a horrible time getting him to finish his bottles ever since I switched from the Gentelease almost a month ago.  He eats just enough to satisfy himself and the he acts like it has poison in it!!!  This morning he finished all of it but 1/2 oz and it had the probiotic and miralax in it so I mixed it with his breakfast and my mom said he refused to eat it!!! It had to be b/c of the formula!!! Why is he doing this?? I am having a hard time getting him to get in the 20oz he needs at this age.  And I am trying to wean the NF and if I do that he will only be getting 15oz.....should I be concerned?

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Re: Is it really a dairy intolerance??
« Reply #79 on: September 23, 2011, 18:29:14 pm »
I looked at your other thread and I think he is taking in more solids than average for his age :)  Have you thought about a routine change with his feeds?  DD dropped to 3 bottles around 8.5 months and things were a battle for a few weeks before I clued in to the signs...

We do this:
Wake and 8 oz bottle around 7am
Breakfast of solids around 9am
Lunch of solids only around noon
Bottle of 8 ozs around 3pm, just before PM nap
Dinner of solids only around 530pm
Bottle of 8.5 ozs at 750pm, BT 8pm.

The only other time I have had DD take a bottle partially and then pull away acting like it was poison was when she ended up in the ER for an enema.  Babies can be terribly constipated and still poop a few times a day... mine did.  They only found it by doing an abdominal x-ray.

If you think that might be the issue, you could set his Miralax at 2 tsp AM and 1 tsp PM for 5 days to ensure he isn't plugged up.  Even if impacted, that will clean him out.

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Re: Is it really a dairy intolerance??
« Reply #80 on: September 23, 2011, 18:48:36 pm »
Thanks so much for the advice!!! He is now refusing solids too!!! That scares me!!  He did poop last night it was pretty thick and then right before bed hard pieces.  So I upped his miralax yesterday and today and he pooped first thing this morning alot but still thick and then again after I dropped him off and my mom said it looked good.  So I wouldnt think he would still be plugged up but I will have her add miralax to his next bottle.  

What do you suggest for the rest of the day today??

He had only 3.5 oz of milk at 12:15 then at 1:15 she tried solids and he only ate 1/2 a jar.....

Oh and how much solids should I give him at a setting?

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Re: Is it really a dairy intolerance??
« Reply #81 on: September 23, 2011, 18:54:41 pm »
that sounds like he is fairly backed up to me... DD started to drink part of her bottles, then she refused solids, then it was all bottles until she was starving!  Then should would take a few ounces to take the edge of her hunger and pull away fairly upset.

It's okay for him to poop any consistency except hard pieces... once they are on a fair bit of solids, soft and formed like an adult is normal.

I really wonder if you have the same issue as we do!  Not enough fluid with the food... causing constipation.

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Re: Is it really a dairy intolerance??
« Reply #82 on: September 23, 2011, 18:57:18 pm »
So help me!!! What else can I do??  :)  You seem to have alot of answers and yes we do seem to be having some of the same issues. .

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Re: Is it really a dairy intolerance??
« Reply #83 on: September 23, 2011, 19:08:57 pm »
No worries... You need to get him cleaned out first so stick with the Miralax for a week more at least a full dose of 2 tsp AM/1 tsp PM.  If you need to make a smaller bottle of 3-4 ozs to make sure he takes it all, do it to get the Miralax into him.  I had to do two small bottles on the chance that DD would only take a little... but had a second one ready if she wanted more formula.

Will he take a bottle with just warm water in it?  I would try that a couple times a day as well.  Best to watch out for high fibre foods until he ups his fluid intake as well - too much fibre without the water needed to use it can make constipation worse.. we are sticking with jarred green beans and pears here right now.  Easy on the tummy and good for the pooper ;) 

If he is really reluctant to take formula, I would cut back on solids a fair bit to get his fluids back up... he really needs that right now to get everything moving... Still offer when you normally do, but limit him to half a jar for each meal.  No cereal at all until that fluid intake comes up.   No applesauce/carrots either - both are constipating.  And of course, no rice or bananas.

I would try moving him to 3 bottles a day... with the lowered solids, he will get much hungrier and will be more likely to take a full bottle of 7-8 ozs.  Another thing I have been doing since mine will generally take a full bottle without problems now is 7 ozs formula and an extra ounce of water (she will not take water in a bottle on it's own and is useless with her sippy).  I also offer her a top up bottle before her AM nap since she would be going 3 hours with nothing after her breakfast... I use 2 ozs formula and 1 oz water... she still drinks it just fine and it gets a bit more water into her ;)  With this method, she takes around 23-25 ozs of formula a day plus her 3 meals and sips of water throughout the day...

I have a recipe for the best prune baby food too - just wait to use it until you have a bit more fluid going into that little man :)

Simmer 10 dried pitted prunes, 14 dried apricots and 1 fresh pear (peeled, cored and cut into 4) in just enough water to almost cover the fruit.  I bring it to a slow boil then reduce to low and cover for 25 mins.  Let it cool in the fridge for an hour and then blend in until smooth.  I freeze it in ice cube trays and give her 2-3 of them for breakfast at least every second day :)  She loves them!

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Re: Is it really a dairy intolerance??
« Reply #84 on: September 23, 2011, 19:14:28 pm »
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!  I WILL TRY ALL OF THIS!!!  So you are just feeding her green beans and pears right now? 

I will try to give him water, I know he likes it in sippy cups but not sure about bottles. 

Do you think I should continue to wean the NF or wait until the constipation subsides??

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Re: Is it really a dairy intolerance??
« Reply #85 on: September 23, 2011, 21:21:35 pm »
Are you still doing the probiotic as well?

Offline *Kara*

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Re: Is it really a dairy intolerance??
« Reply #86 on: September 23, 2011, 22:55:06 pm »
I am still doing the probiotic daily :)

I would continue to wean that NF sooner rather than later ;)  He needs to shift those calories to daytime...  and momma needs to sleep ;)