...and, I'm back!!!
I put off the transition b/c he fell back into a two nap routine. One was significantly shorter than the other, which is probably why we've managed to stay with two naps for so long. So, this week he VERY suddenly started changing again. It started with the earlier morning wake up. Today was 5:45, and I'm used to around 7 (this summer it was 7:30 or even later). My husband and I decided that the early mornings are probably a result of a long night and two naps...just too much sleep. So, Monday, it was beyond my control but he didn't take a nap until 12:45. It turned out AWESOME (even though he was SO exhausted before his nap) b/c he slept for over 2 hours and had a normal bed time. Since that was just an abnormal day, I went back to "normal" yesterday and gave him his morning nap. It was fine. He refused his afternoon nap. I tried a second time and we let him sleep 30 minutes and kept bed time the same. It resulted in a 5:45 wake up call this morning.
To confuse matters even MORE, I tried to give him a morning nap today and this time he refused it!!! He's never refused the morning nap. He cried, played, called Momma, etc...Eventually I decided this was my cue to do a "cold turkey" day b/c I had no other choice. So, after about a 1/2 hour, I got him back up let him play fed him some lunch and put him back down to sleep at 11:20 (this means he had a 5 1/2 hour Awake time). He slept exactly 1 1/2 hours...which means an early bed time.
If you are still reading, THANKS!!! I know this is a rambling mess. I guess that I'm basically asking what to do??? He will be 19 months tomorrow. I would be fine to go cold turkey again tomorrow, but I don't know when to pick a nap time with his awake times being so all over the place! Is 5 1/2 hours long for a 19 month old?
I'll give you a breakdown of our past 3 crazy days, if that might help.
6:30 wake up
eat, play, etc...
12:45 fell asleep in the car on our way home, transferred to crib and slept a total of 2 1/2 hours
3:15 wake up
7:15 bedtime
6:10 wake up
9:40 Nap. Slept a little over an hour
11:00 wake up, lunch, play, etc...
2:30 nap, but he refused it. He cried, played, etc... for about 40 minutes. I got him up, let him play and then tried again later.
3:30 second attempt at nap time. Finally gave in around 4:00, so we let him sleep just a 1/2 hour.
4:30 awake
7:20 bedtime
5:50 wake up
9:30 morning nap (tried to extend Awake time to 3h 45m) and he refused this nap. He played, fussed and cried, "MOMMA!" until I got him. This is when I decided in desperation to try the one nap today.
11:20 nap time. He slept exactly 1 1/2 hours.
12:50 awake.
BEDTIME - 5:50??? Later? Earlier?