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Offline katie80

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Feeling a little discouraged
« on: August 29, 2011, 19:03:17 pm »
DS is almost 5 weeks old and has been a pretty good nurser until about the last week.  I BF'd DD for 13 mo, but had a very rocky start and kept at it by sheer stubbornness and determination.  I was adamant this time would be better and it has been for the most part.

However... I have a generous supply.  Feeds still take about 45 min, because he pops on and off the breast quite often (the left side is much worse).  I'm also careful to burp him often as he does suck in air due to all the gulping, and I'm careful not to switch sides to quickly to make sure he is getting the hind milk.  He does a bit better at night, but will often 'shut down' when things get going too fast for him, and then it takes some work to rouse him again.  He usually takes one full side and then a bit from the other.  At night, I sometimes give up trying to get him to take anything from the second side, but then he wakes again after 2.5 - 3 hrs. 

He was a big baby (10 lb 1 oz) and is now up to 12 lb 3 oz (as of Friday), so I keep expecting him to go longer at night.  DD seemed to be doing 4-5 hrs at night by this time (I'm sure I shouldn't compare, but it's a little hard not to :-\).

Also, in the last week he's been fussier, seemingly struggling more with my flow, and spitting up much more.  The last two nights at the BT feed, he's done a big, projectile-type vomit, losing at least a couple ounces.  I don't know if this is because he's overfeeding, as I keep nudging him back to the breast to get a full feed, or if it's because of something else (i.e. reflux or a food intolerance).

So... my main concern is the fussiness/spitting up.  I know very little about reflux/intolerances.  Can they start at 4 weeks of age?  What are the steps I take to find out if this is in fact the case and help him?  Finally, is it reasonable to expect him to start to go longer in the night, or are those times still normal for a baby this size/age?   

TIA for reading through this and any insight you can offer.  :-*

Offline Tay

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Re: Feeling a little discouraged
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2011, 20:40:33 pm »
Hi there,
((hugs)) I can remember how tough those early days can be, and they just seem endless.. and the lack of sleep... But it'll go in a blink and you'll wonder where did your tiny baby go, so don't despair.
As far as I know Reflux symptoms can appear much later (we didn't pick up on DS' until he was 7/8 weeks old, when it got really bad). But tbh some of the symptoms you're describing can be from oversupply. So have a read at these links and let me know what you think.

Finally, is it reasonable to expect him to start to go longer in the night, or are those times still normal for a baby this size/age?
5 weeks is still very young and he'll still need the NFs. Now every baby is different and I though the same as you - a bigger baby would settle quicker. But it wasn't the case in our house either. DD was tiny (6lb9oz at birth) but, like magic, at 12/13 weeks she started sleeping 6/7 hour stretches at night and it only got better from then on.
DS in turn was 8lbs at birth and fed really well, put on weight quickly but didn't really sleep very well until after 7 months (although some of it might have been related to the reflux).
Anyway, have a read at the links and let me know what you think.

Offline becj86

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Re: Feeling a little discouraged
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2011, 22:48:57 pm »
Are you lying back (eg. in a recliner chair) to help slow the flow a bit?

What is his temperament? My son spits up a lot and its only gotten worse as he got older and more efficient. He is a spirited when it comes to eating and is prone to overeating because he's so gung-ho about it, then he spews whatevers extra. He is gaining fine and defined as a 'happy chucker'. Does your bub seem bothered by the spewing?

Offline lilisuze

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Re: Feeling a little discouraged
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2011, 12:08:21 pm »
totally normal for reflux problems to start to show themselves after this time. DS did it starting at about 5 weeks old, and dd is just starting now. No spit-ups at all to start with, and now maybe 2/3 after each feed.

BTW, wish you could send some of your generous supply here, we are having not enough supply issues!
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Offline katie80

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Re: Feeling a little discouraged
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2011, 15:14:31 pm »
I can remember how tough those early days can be, and they just seem endless.. and the lack of sleep...
Ok, this is obviously where we're still at, because I keep forgetting to come back to this thread. :P ::)

I've checked out your links, Tay, thank you.  It really is hard to tell, because so many of the symptoms are the same.  We hadn't had any big vomits for several days, but then had one this morning.  I'm pretty sure he had just taken in too much though, as it didn't phase him at all.  I guess I'll just continue to keep an eye on things.  We go to the ped at the end of the month, so I can talk about it with her then.

I'm happy to keep both NFs for now (along with the DF), just hoping that he starts to stretch a bit as we go forward.  I think DD dropped one of them around 8-12 weeks, so I guess we've got a little while still.

becj86 - Yes, I try to recline as much as possible while feeding, and it does seem to help some.  I'm not sure of his temperament yet, we'll have to see on that one.  We always called my DD a 'happy spitter' as well.  :)

Lili - If only we all had just what we need, right?!?  ;)

Offline katie80

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Re: Feeling a little discouraged
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2011, 17:54:23 pm »
Well, after the big vomit this morning, he's continued to spit up and be fussy throughout his A time and into S.  He's now in the Moby, sleeping contently, but I hate to see him with an upset tummy.  Maybe I'll make my way over to the reflux board and see if I can figure out if it's that or something I'm eating.  :-\

Offline Jenn+Ethan+Emily

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Re: Feeling a little discouraged
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2011, 18:08:10 pm »
((((((hugs)))))) Katie! It is SO hard to figure out what's going on with these wee babies!

Offline Tay

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Re: Feeling a little discouraged
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2011, 19:10:56 pm »
Maybe I'll make my way over to the reflux board and see if I can figure out if it's that or something I'm eating.
I was going to suggest you posting there. I actually think it sounds like it's reflux, and with DS it took me ages to 'accept' it was because he wasn't vomitting all the time - it took mums on the CRC board to help me figure it out, and then to help me deal with the doctor (who didn't believe it was reflux because DS was putting on weight, big big boy, and wasn't vomitting all the time).
I actually only settled and properly accepted it was reflux when DS was on the proper dose of meds and became a completely different baby.

Offline katie80

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Re: Feeling a little discouraged
« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2011, 02:19:44 am »
Thanks, Tay.  Yes, it is hard to accept, because I don't see it everyday, and when I've talked with an LC about it, she said, "Well, they all have some reflux."  So, I'll make my way over to the CRC board and see what I can figure out. 

I appreciate all your help and support, ladies. :-*

Offline inoella

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Re: Feeling a little discouraged
« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2011, 03:05:16 am »
just wanted to send *HUGS* because I remember those days! I had a super fast supply and DD was diagnosed with reflux at 6 weeks. Well, more like I demanded some sort of diagnoses cuz I was going crazy wondering why she was spitting up so much! I don't really have any advice  I feel like we just muddled through. Hope you get lots of support and advice here - just wanted to send along a "hang in there bw mom!"  :)