Author Topic: Early waking caused by pooing  (Read 1719 times)

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Early waking caused by pooing
« on: August 30, 2011, 06:25:13 am »
Hi everyone,
My 7.5 month LO is waking at around 5.30am most mornings, with a dirty nappy.  Any suggestions on which foods might be setting him off?  Someone has mentioned to me that fruit might be the issue, but i'm not sure at what point in the day I should stop giving it to him? 
He tends to have cereal and fruit for breakfast, veg with chicken and pasta and fruit/yoghurt for lunch and maybe fish and veg and yoghurt with a rusk crumbled in for tea.  He's a hungry boy and eats a lot.  He's been a really good sleeper up until the last few weeks, when he's been waking in the night with wind or just crying and I don't know what's wrong.  Last night I gave him a BF at 2am.  He demanded both sides and went straight back to sleep but was awake at the usual 6am with a dirty bottom!  I need my sleep back!!  :S

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Re: Early waking caused by pooing
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2011, 06:29:02 am »
Oh my son went through a phase of it and still at 15 months he will often poo sometime around 6:30am - 7:30am.  It's just his body clock.  I found though if he had a really EW, he then poo'd earlier so maybe it's not he poo causing the EW but the EW causing the poo, not sure if that makes sense?
Here's my blog which is focussed on simple food for babies, toddlers and families

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Re: Early waking caused by pooing
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2011, 20:35:00 pm »
Olly also went through this as a phase. It did pass though.

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Re: Early waking caused by pooing
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2011, 20:43:50 pm »
I think this is quite a common problem - we went through it too!
Don't stop giving fruit altogether - it is important for them - but try not to give it any later than lunch. Also, look at the veggies you are giving him in the evening and make sure that none of them are likely to cause wind/tummy issues. It might also be worth going back to trying foods for a couple of days to see if they cause a reaction. I had a lot of problems with bananas and baked beans with dd1 - if she had either of them for tea then she would be up a lot in the night - so there might be "problem" foods for your lo too.

Offline jellybean78

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Re: Early waking caused by pooing
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2011, 18:51:14 pm »
Thanks so much guys, my LO eats lots of bananas so might try and limit them and see if that makes a difference.  I'm also not sure if it's the EW causing the pooing or the other way around - but hoping this phase passes soon! 

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Re: Early waking caused by pooing
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2011, 19:18:52 pm »
I don't think I can remember a time when DS has ever pooed in the night but he does do EW then poo.  So I think the EW comes first and then because the body kicks into awake mode all the functions get going and moving.

I have no evidence of this, it's just a theory, but...I am wondering if DS gets EWs when his last meal has been a little too close to his BT milk.  Although people tend to say fill a baby up with solids, rusk, rice, porridge etc before bed to get them to sleep through, I wonder if it is the opposite and they need milk to see them through.  People who eat soup stay feeling fuller for longer so can the same be said of milk?  So possibly a smaller solids meal in the evening followed by a really good BT milk could be the answer? Just a rambling thought.

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Re: Early waking caused by pooing
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2011, 17:47:19 pm »
Ramble away! LOL!  I think we all do at times ;)

I find that DD sleeps longer when she has dinner around 6pm and then her BT bottle at 745pm.  Bed at 8pm.  That said, she has always has a poopy bum first thing in the morning.. no idea if the urge to poop wakes her or if she wakes and then the body starts to function... I do know that she is awake when she poops - have heard her wake on the monitor, then a few minutes later heard the pooping ;)