Author Topic: Advice on how to handle NW for 7wk old  (Read 1102 times)

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Offline Sydney

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Advice on how to handle NW for 7wk old
« on: August 30, 2011, 14:01:55 pm »
DD is 7 weeks.  We are on a 3-hour EASY and it goes fairly well although we do have our bad nap days but she gets 4-6 hours of naps a day on average.  Still trying to figure out that darn A time...

She goes to bed around 7:00 pm, DF at 10:00 (ALWAYS takes a full feed) and then wakes anywhere between 3 and 4:30 am.  Since she is 7 weeks, I figure she IS hungry and feed her.  Her normal intake at feeding is 3.5 - 4 ounces.  With the nightfeed, she will only take 1.5 - 2.5 ounces.  I can NEVER get her to take more.  So I a starting to wonder if she is really hungry or not as she has STTN a handful of times so I know she CAN do it (until 7 am). 

I definately want to feed her IF hungry, but not sure if I am just promoting her waking during this time by always feeding her and then she doesn't eat much.  Almost seems like she uses the bottle to self-soothe a bit??

At what point do I stop feeding her and try other methods to get her back down?

Offline Sydney

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Re: Advice on how to handle NW for 7wk old
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2011, 21:07:55 pm »
Anyone?  Last night she woke at 4:30 and I fed her; she at 1.5 oz:( so she was NOT hungry.

Offline Shiv52

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Re: Advice on how to handle NW for 7wk old
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2011, 21:42:32 pm »
How many oz did she take today including DF?

TBH it would be unusual for a 7 weeks old to last through  from DF to morning.   Not unheard of but most LOs at this age will be taking a NF aswell as a DF. 

The only thing you can do is try to resettle her a different way if you are sure she is not hungry.  So do ssh-pat and resettle her to sleep.  if she goes back to sleep and lasts to morning then you can be sure she isn't hungry although you may find she may just wake a while later as she will be hungry.  if she's waking and not making it through to wake up I would probably feed even if its only a few oz as i'd prefer that to encouraging an early start to the day.

How does that sound?  Did she have a growth spurt at 6 weeks did you notice?

Offline Sydney

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Re: Advice on how to handle NW for 7wk old
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2011, 13:09:17 pm »
Thank you.  Yesterday she took in a total of 19.25 ounces, which is about right for her. She usually takes anywhere from 18-22 ounces a day.  I was ready to go ahead and feed her if she woke last evening but she STTN until 6:45 am with a DF at 10:15 :-* 

She was 8 lbs born and has her 8 week checkup next week so will see what her weight is then.  When I weighed her at home a couple weeks back she was around 10 lbs so she is putting on weight well.

I guess I was extremely lucky with my other two los as they both STTN around 8 weeks with DFs until 7-8 months.  DD3 has also done this but more erratically which is why I really wondered if she was hungry or not.  I agree I would rather feed than an early start to the day. 

I never really noticed a huge increase in ounces with growth spurts with any of my los.  Around 3-4 more ounces that day, but that's it. 

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Re: Advice on how to handle NW for 7wk old
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2011, 13:30:46 pm »
Wow!  Amazing!! 

COuld be she is nearly ready to STTN but sometimes is just needing that wee top up some night.   Maybe when she's taking a wee bit more consistently in the day she'll be ready to STTN without that extra feed at all.

Offline Sydney

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Re: Advice on how to handle NW for 7wk old
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2011, 13:53:36 pm »
So, I thought we were on a roll as dd STTN for five nights straight.  The last two nights, she has woken around 4-5 am, with her arm out of the swaddle.  We use the miracle blanket which worked great for my other two los but T manages to get out??  Anyway, I go back in and swaddle her but she then fusses off an on until 7 am wakeup. 

I am hesitant to feed her as she isn't hungry, never taking a full feed. Even when I feed her at 7:00 she doesn't seem to interested in the bottle and doesn't take a full feed here either??

Nothing has really changed in the past couple of days as her ounces and naps are pretty consistent so not sure what to make of this or how to tackle?  She isn't responding well to the sh/pat at night, only for naps...

Offline kateboundy

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Re: Advice on how to handle NW for 7wk old
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2011, 10:00:42 am »
My LO is 7 weeks and we can't DF her but she has a feed at midnight and some nights goes through till 7 am but other nights wakes at 5 am and just has a little top up till morning... I am BF her so don't know how much she has but it is not a lot... As long as it is a little that is good isnt it? Means it will go away forever soon...