So, I thought we were on a roll as dd STTN for five nights straight. The last two nights, she has woken around 4-5 am, with her arm out of the swaddle. We use the miracle blanket which worked great for my other two los but T manages to get out?? Anyway, I go back in and swaddle her but she then fusses off an on until 7 am wakeup.
I am hesitant to feed her as she isn't hungry, never taking a full feed. Even when I feed her at 7:00 she doesn't seem to interested in the bottle and doesn't take a full feed here either??
Nothing has really changed in the past couple of days as her ounces and naps are pretty consistent so not sure what to make of this or how to tackle? She isn't responding well to the sh/pat at night, only for naps...