Author Topic: Bottle before solids...not hungry at next E  (Read 1219 times)

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Bottle before solids...not hungry at next E
« on: August 30, 2011, 16:58:53 pm »
Hi everyone

My 6mo has taken to solids beautifully, but now it's affecting his formula intake...Here is what a typical day looks like:

8am 6oz bottle (used to be 8oz before solids)
9am cereal + 1 cube veggies
12pm 6oz bottle (used to be 8oz before solids) today only took 4oz
1pm cereal + 1 cube veggies
4pm 6oz bottle  (used to be 8oz before solids) today only took 4oz
5pm cereal
8pm bedtime bottle 8oz
11pm dreamfeed 8oz

I feel that because the solids come only 3 hours before the next bottle they are filling him up and he is not hungry at the next bottle time. I know it's terribly non-BW, but is it possible to give the bottle and solids at the same feeding slot? That way it is a good 4hours before the next feed... Should I be more concerned about the total oz of formula he gets whether it's in cereal or a bottle? I should mention that in his cereal there is always 3oz of formula. So today we have 39oz formula total, but 9 of that in cereal.

Help! Please! :)

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Re: Bottle before solids...not hungry at next E
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2011, 17:05:31 pm »
Even with the reduced bottles he is getting plenty of formula, honest! They need a minimum of 20oz a day from 6 months and that includes the milk in their food. Most babies at 6 months are taking between 24oz and 32oz of liquid milk plus the little bit they get in their food. I would say that as long as his liquid intake doesn't drop below 24oz he is doing fine!
